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Sleeping in the nude - a cultural question

Answered 4 months ago

I assume most of the posters in here are Aussie since this is an Australian website. I also notice there’s a fair amount of you who sleep nude based on what’s written in various places. My question: is this a normal and widespread practice in your country - that is, do you pretty much all sleep totally naked from childhood due to the hot climate? If you sleep that way, what age did you start and what was the motivation?

I’m American and have slept nude most of my 45 years, but didn’t start until I was 12 years old, and at the time, it was purely associated with my desire to masturbate each night and morning. For that reason, I viewed sleeping naked as purely sexual and would have therefore been embarrassed if anyone found out I did it back then. I often wonder, had I been raised to sleep nude from an early age and seen my parents and siblings doing likewise, whether I would have understood it as something natural and innocent rather than “naughty” or weird.

Of course, I eventually progressed through my teen years and into college, where I learned that many other people sleep that way just for comfort, etc. But I’m wondering if the idea of sleeping totally nude carries with it the same stigma in other cultures that it did with me during my adolescent years, or if it’s really just an American thing stemming from the historical puritan influence.

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4 months ago
My parents, uncles, and aunts grew up in the 1920s, when American attitudes were much different than they are now. For example, I've seen pictures of my aunt's pre-school or elementary school class swimming nude, both sexes, on a Chicago public beach. Also, when I grew up, people in the Midwest didn't have central air conditioning and it could get VERY hot in the summer, sometimes in the high 90sF or even 100F or more in the shade. This made sleeping at night difficult and in summer my parents generally slept nude, so we kids did as well. And summer vacations, which were taken in very remote spots, we all swam nude as well. So in my early teens, I started sleeping nude all year around and never stopped. Of course teenagers are going to masturbate, but they'll do that whether they're wearing anything or not.

4 months ago
My parents, uncles, and aunts grew up in the 1920s, when American attitudes were much different than they are now. For example, I've seen pictures of my aunt's pre-school or elementary school class swimming nude, both sexes, on a Chicago public beach. Also, when I grew up, people in the Midwest didn't have central air conditioning and it could get VERY hot in the summer, sometimes in the high 90sF or even 100F or more in the shade. This made sleeping at night difficult and in summer my parents generally slept nude, so we kids did as well. And summer vacations, which were taken in very remote spots, we all swam nude as well. So in my early teens, I started sleeping nude all year around and never stopped. Of course teenagers are going to masturbate, but they'll do that whether they're wearing anything or not.

1 year ago
I'm a 46F Aussie & sleep nude, since my teens. I don't like being twisted up in PJ's. I also think your fanny/butt should 'air' a bit, & not be fully clothed all the time.

1 year ago
Nah mate. I sleep nude just because it's comfy and snuggly in winter, and cool in summer.
I'm my home my two boys, husband and I are free about our bodies. We get dressed in the lounge everyday. It's just natural.


1 year ago
We'll said totally agree

1 year ago
I’m also American, and when I was growing up, both my parents slept nude, and all my siblings and I were raised to sleep that way too (not forced to, but it was just understood as normal from an early age). I haven’t regularly worn any clothing in bed since about 6 or 7 years old. Granted, my ancestors come from Italy, France, and Spain, all warmer climates where sleeping nude is probably the cultural norm, so naturally it wouldn’t be seen as taboo in our household.

As for the idea that being naked in bed is “naughty”, I think you’re overanalyzing. I don’t think anybody is going to avoid that during the horny teenage years no matter when they started sleeping nude. I know I didn’t! Lol