List of Free Online Photography Courses
1. Camera, Exposure and Photography
Are you a budding enthusiast who wants to hone or learn their skills in photography? This course will teach the fundamental knowledge in choosing what type of camera to use, vantage point and perspectives! Camera, exposure and Photography is the first course on the Photography Basics and Beyond: From Smartphone to DSLR Specialization
2. Camera Control
Learn how to take wonderful shots with this course! You will learn how to manipulate your angles with factors such as focal length, depth of the field and add a dramatic effect to your picture!
More Reading: 100+ Hobby Ideas for Mums
3. Exposing Digital Photography
Exposing Digital Photography will take you to the artistic aspects, scientific foundations, and techniques of digital photography. Provided by Harvard Extension, you will learn the fundamental aspects as well as advanced aspects of quality of light, human visualization and etc.
4. Seeing through Photographs
Designed for everybody who is interested in photography, this course will teach you the difference between photographs and photographic images, context of a photo, different modes of artistic and technological experimentation and the impact of photography to our visual culture.