Hold Cooking Classes
If you can make spaghetti from scratch that people rave over, or cakes and tarts that you’d sell your Grandmother for, what about teaching others how to make your dishes! If you have a nice and functional kitchen and small classes, you can do this at home! Prepare a list of laminated recipes and ingredients to give each client for each lesson. Provide the ingredients and get cooking – at the end, sit down to all enjoy the fruits of your labour together!
Cooking class ideas include:
- Cheese Making Classes (or sell Cheese Making Kits)
- Fermented Food Classes
- Baking
- Basic Cooking for Beginners
Do Your Classes Online
Even better is that you can film your classes and sell them online!
How Do I Get Started?
Start a Facebook and Instagram Page, design your own logo and branding – put together a lesson plan – and start promoting it! Perhaps get a few well-known people in your local area to do a free course in exchange for them posting on social media to get your name out there.