Some days seem to just have it in for you the moment your eyes flick open.
You know, like the change of daylight savings when your kids refuse to sleep past 5am and every time you walk into the kitchen there seems to me more dirty dishes. Out. Of. Nowhere!
And then there are other days, days when you’re totally killing it!
When you bound out of bed, smash down a coffee and hand your kids a plate of toast on their way past. Hell yeah!
You could be defeated by a crappy day or you could suck down a steak in the evening, be fighting fit and ready to kick ass the next day!
So says Meat & Livestock Australia, who incidentally, have a really great RoastMate app that helps you with cook/rest times etc for roast meats. I digress.
The Australian Dietary Guidelines recommends having 65g a day of red meat or 130g every second day because it is one of best sources of iron and zinc in the Australian diet. Therefore, having a hot beef injection 3 to 4 times a week helps to meet your iron and zinc needs. Boo-yah!