11 Questions You Always Wanted To Ask Your Lesbian Friend

4 min read

4. Is one of you always the boy?

Lol no it’s a preference it’s what you’re attracted to, people just assume one of you is the male. You can get two quiet femme girls together or two butch it really does come down to the person

5. If you’re with a chick that looks like a guy why not just be with a man?

Because I am a lesbian for a reason I like women’s bodies and minds. I’m not attracted to men and their penis.

6. It’s just a phase!

No I can assure you it isn’t! I am not growing out of it any time soon.


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Miss Ghievous

Miss Ghievous is a fun loving sexy minx that likes to mix it up and live a little on the edge. During the day she is a single saucy Para Legal and at...Read Morenight a Dominatrix of the bedroom and all things naughty and nice. Read Less

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