Woman Jailed For Leaving Baby in Upturned Pram While She Had a Boozy Night Out

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Woman Jailed For Leaving Baby in Upturned Pram While She Had a Boozy Night Out

A woman has been sent to prison in the UK for leaving a baby in an upturned pram for around seven hours as she went out with friends for a boozy night out.

Julie Gill, 44, was supposed to be watching the baby girl in Blackpool when she decided to go out with friends on July 24.

However, Ms Gill had a drinking binge which left her unable to remember the child, who cannot be named. A man found the baby girl asleep in an upturned pram the next day with no coat, shoes or blanket, a dirty nappy and dirt and grazes to her nose and face.

Woman Jailed For Leaving Baby in Upturned Pram While She Had a Boozy Night Out | Stay at Home Mum

This week, Judge Robert Altham told Ms Gill that the baby “could have died”. “You that night chose to prioritise your desire to drink on a night out over the need of the child to be protected from serious harm, or worse,” he said.

The court heard that Ms Gill drank vodka at home before meeting friends where she continued to drink lager and vodka.

Ms Gill’s friends say she still had the child with her when they went their separate ways around midnight.

Neighbours also said they were woken to Ms Gill’s shouting at 4am, but the baby was not with her.

Police tracked down Ms Gill after her handbag was left with the pram.

Ms Gill reportedly told police she did not remember leaving the last venue, and she thought the child was being looked after by another woman.

She was sentenced to 12 months in jail after she plead guilty to child cruelty in the UK court,


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