We want you to imagine a horrible crime. A man, almost certainly under the influence of drugs, hits a boy riding his bike, and kills him. Instead to stopping at the
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Holy hazing ash cloud Bach Man! Stuck in Bali, I cried into my cocktail when I realised I’d miss Wood. I wouldn’t be home in time and I couldn’t watch it
Read MoreSexual predators have a new favourite playground: the internet. We desire to protect our children from predators at all cost. After all, the amount of information about paedophiles, preferential child abusers and
Read MoreIt looked like it was just another car crash. Four children were in the car, only the fourth child, their sister, survived the accident, if indeed it was really an accident.
Read MoreSexual predators haunt the nightmares of parents, and there’s nothing more worrying than having your child fall victim to one. We trust that we can rely on the courts to
Read MoreNot all parents have the liberty of being full-time carers for their little ones. But with the childcare horror stories, they might want to think about it. Certainly, this week’s
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