A mother has revealed how her first baby ‘broke’ her ‘vagina’ and what really happens after childbirth in a candid and hilarious blog post. Mum, Zoe George has shared on her
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A mother has put her five-year-old daughter on a diet despite admitting she has no fat on her body. The mother who used the username ‘PurpleSky2’ on a UK website, Mumsnet, took
Read MoreThis is the heart-wrenching story of a mother who gives love to terminally ill children when everyone else has given up on them. Mum-of-eight, Cori Salchert, from a small town in Wisconsin in
Read MoreA mother has taken her 15-year-old daughter to a GP to let her have a labiaplasty — all for cosmetic reasons. The mother said that her daughter, Alana (not her
Read MoreA three-year-old boy dubbed as ‘little Picasso’ has cost his parents $3,000 after he painted his curtains, carpet and bed sheets while his parents hosted a dinner party. Andrea and
Read MoreA baby girl, born at just 8 ounces and considered the world’s smallest baby, is making ‘giant’ leaps nine months later. Meet baby Emilia Grabarczyk. When Emilia was born, her entire foot was
Read MoreA photo of this single mother has gone viral for amazing reasons. Mum, Yevette Vasquez, of Fort Worth, Texas in the US, had an incredible makeover so her son would
Read MoreFans of the movie Grease have gone into absolute meltdown over the bizarre theory that Sandy was DEAD all along (and the final scene is her flying into heaven with Danny). Woah!
Read MoreIt just goes to show you that when the customer is upset, the customer will make a noise, and a loud one at that! Arnott’s was involved in the biggest
Read MoreA mum has invented a device that will revolutionise the way families with babies travel. Mother-of-two, Emma Lovell may have just made what many families, travelling with distressed and upset
Read MoreA mother was left heartbroken when she was told that her son has a ‘hidden vagina’ due to a birth defect, which leaves him in constant pain. Leanne Owen, 40, told
Read MoreA mum who has a son with a rare spinal disorder has shared how her son defied the odds as he is now a sports-mad boy who can do 300 push-ups
Read MoreA mother has shared how she had her FIRST orgasm when she gave birth to her THIRD son in a one-of-a-kind orgasmic childbirth. Debra Wakefield, 54, from Bendigo, Victoria, told Daily Mail Australia
Read MoreAn exhausted dad has shared how he tries to calm down his screaming and crying triplets — and it is hilarious! Brandon Santiago, from Berkeley, Illinois in the US just came back home
Read MoreA mum has written an open letter to a woman who ‘shamed’ her when she took her son into the bathroom at a gym pool. Single mum, Jodie Carter from Bathurst,
Read MoreA mother was left ‘angry and shaken’ after a stranger accused her of child abuse because she allowed her three-year-old son to wear a tutu. Mum, Jen Anderson Shattuck, 35, from
Read MoreA mother, who has a son with autism, was touched by the kindness of a stranger after her son had a meltdown at a local restaurant. Cynthia Tipton, from Rock
Read MoreA miracle baby born with a rare condition that means he is missing most of his skull defied both the odds and doctor’s expectations in celebrating his second birthday. Little
Read MoreA girl who was diagnosed with a brain tumour has been robbed of her childhood after the illness caused her to start puberty at the age of six. Single mum, Sarah
Read MoreA Sydney woman, and self-described futurist, has become among the first in Australia to experience a radical body modification, which could soon be mainstream. WARNING – CONTAINS IMAGES OF GRAPHIC
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