Mum Makes Incredible Food Creations for Daughter Who’s a Fussy Eater

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Mum Makes Incredible Food Creations for Daughter Who’s a Fussy Eater

This mum has made a creative way to make her fussy daughter eat her lunch.

A clever mum in the US spends hours transforming her kids’ meals into incredibly detailed artworks because of her daughter who is a picky eater.

Mum-of-six Sarah Gonzalez decided to put her artistic skills to work on her children’s meals because her then four-year-old daughter, Valerie, refused to eat her lunch.

She told Nanny Magazine: “She would complain and throw temper tantrums over everything I offered her. I started researching different ways to encourage her to eat better and that is where I discovered the world of creative food!”

True enough, Mrs Gonzalez started plating up her daughter’s food in creative ways and amazingly, her daughter loved it.

“It was instant success… for the first time she was eating every bite on her lunch plate and so excited for the next day’s creation,” she said.

Mum Makes Incredible Food Creations for Daughter Who's a Fussy Eater | Stay at Home Mum

She creates detailed artworks out of meals such as characters from the movies and television shows, Wall-E, Sesame Street and Toy Story.

Mum Makes Incredible Food Creations for Daughter Who's a Fussy Eater | Stay at Home Mum

She also makes astonishing food creations out of fruits and vegetables to make amazing sea or jungle creatures.

Mum Makes Incredible Food Creations for Daughter Who's a Fussy Eater | Stay at Home Mum

Mrs Gonzalez says she spends a maximum of an hour on each of her food creations, making sure to get them perfect. She also said that making these food artworks also allowed her to sneak in food that her kids had previously refused to eat, like celery, because they don’t know what it is.

Check out some of her beautiful food creations in her Instagram, Lunarbell Lunch, which has now more than 13,200 followers.


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