A father has left people online queasy after posting a video of him eating the placenta after his wife gave birth.
WARNING: Graphic Images and Video
Father-of-two Ross Watson, 32, from Darlington, Co Durham, has posted this on his Facebook page and has caught the attention of people on social media whose stomachs churned.
Mr Watson said he was keen to try out the ‘edible and nutritious’ foodstuff after his wife Heather, 38, gave birth to their baby boy, Lachlan, last week. He said that baby Lachlan would be their last child – so it was ‘now or never’.
He recorded the whole time he ate his ‘meal’ and even encouraged his friends to share them.
In the pictures, Mr Watson can be seen emptying the plastic bag containing the placenta into a colander in the sink to drain it. He then places it onto a plate and tucks in.
In the video, he is seen eating a cooked version and a raw version to compare the taste.
He says: “As you know, or some people might be aware, I’ve already said I’m going to eat my wife’s placenta. I don’t think anybody’s done this for a long, long time – certainly no husbands have done it. I’ve got a wee raw bit there which I’ve already garnished with some salt and pepper. I’ve tried it already, it’s not too bad. I’ve got my breakfast and I’ve got some cooked bits of placenta there as well which actually taste pretty good. So here goes, here’s a raw bit.’
He then eats a small portion using his hands and jokingly said: “This isn’t as good as the umbilical cord spaghetti, by the way.” As he chews, he commented: “I think I’ll have some beans with that bit. It’s definitely better cooked.”
Eating the cooked placenta, Mr Watson says: “That’s gone cold so I’ll have some beans to warm it up and all. That’s it; about nine months in the cooking and ten minutes in the eating. Cheers.”Mr Watson told MailOnline that his wife’s reaction was that of disgust but said she was not surprised. “She was disgusted but not surprised as it’s me. I have a form for crazy things,” he said.
However, people on social media are not happy, some branding it as ‘vile’ and ‘horrendous’, with one user saying, “God above. Surely this is borderline f***ing cannibalism.”
Yet, Mr Watson dismissed these reactions saying, “I like the shock of some people when the reality is it’s not that bad. And I can say I have done something millions haven’t.”
When asked what placenta tasted like, he said: “I needed the beans to help swallow it down and only managed 4 more mouthfuls after the video ended before my sanity reassumed (sic.)”
Source: Dailymail.co.uk