This White As A Ghost Pretzels Recipe is crafted by celebrated Australian chef and Mitsubishi Electric ambassador, Ed “Fast Ed” Halmagyi.
Aren’t these ghost pretzels cute?? They’re good, they’re easy to make, and kids love these.
These playful ghost pretzels are glazed with white chocolate to achieve the perfect balance of sweet and salty.
I already know these cute ghost pretzels will be wiped out in just a few minutes of serving. Scroll down below to find out how to make these.
PS. You don’t have to slave in the kitchen to make this – which is the best part about this recipe.
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Ed “Fast Ed” Halmagyi, celebrity chef and Mitsubishi Electric Australia Ambassador, has prepared his top spooky recipes to help you celebrate the day of dread with your loved ones. It’s time to dust away the cobwebs, crack out the cauldron and get ready for devilishly good holiday snacking, because with these recipes, anyboo-dy can master Halloween cooking!
Put the chocolate in a heatproof bowl and set over a saucepan of barely simmering water, until just melted.
One at a time, dip the pretzels until well-coated, then put on a sheet of non-stick paper. Decorate with edible eyes, then allow to set.