I love how this Bugs Bunny Crunchy Pancakes recipe is easily my go-to when I have carrots and it’s about to go bad.
This recipe is one of my favourites. I love how easy it is to make, and how versatile it is. I can use it when I have carrots that are about to go bad, or I can make it with other vegetables that I have on hand. I also love how the pancakes turn out – they’re crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside. They’re perfect for a quick breakfast or snack.
This is also great when you’re running low on $$$ and you need something that makes a lot. For a few pieces of carrots, you can make heaps!
Plus, this is a great toddler breakfast. They aren’t only delicious, but they’re also extremely healthy and a great way to sneak in veggies to your kid’s food! Must..love..carrots..
PS. You can add a little bit of mince pork into this for a little bit of a meaty taste.

Clean, scrape, and grate the carrots.
In a medium mixing bowl, beat the eggs and add together the grated carrots, garlic, flour, bread crumbs, salt and pepper. Mix well.
Heat oil in a medium frying pan over medium-high heat. Make the carrot mixture into pancakes and drop into hot the oil. Fry until golden brown on both sides.
Remove from the frying pan and dry on paper towels. Serve and Enjoy!