Top Ten Breakfast for Dinner Recipes

Top Ten Breakfast for Dinner Recipes

Love breakfast foods? Hate eating breakfast?  Try eating Breakfast for Dinner! Yep it’s a thing.  And it’s awesome. You’ve never seen dinner quite like this before…

If you love eggs, bacon, pancakes, waffles and all the other deliciousness that comes with brekky but not at 7:00 in the morning (unless someone else cooks and cleans it up for you), then we have the solution.

The Answer: Breakfast for Dinner.  

Breakfast for Dinner is all about enjoying the simplicity of breakfast during your regular dinner meal. . It can be a lot cheaper than many dinner options and won’t leave you feeling too stuffed to do anything after dinner. My kids love having Breakfast for Dinner and it makes for a refreshing change and treat. Coles have a wide range of incredible Breakfast recipes that can easily translate into dinner or even lunch or an after school snack. Don’t be afraid the break the breakfast barrier and explore these amazing sensations any time of the day. You will be glad you did!

We certainly are! Here are some of our favourite Breakfast (for Dinner) recipes that we had to share:

Top Ten Breakfast for Dinner Recipes | Stay at Home Mum

SAHM’s Top Ten Breakfast for Dinner Recipes:

4. Banana Pikelets
5. Homemade Baked Beans

 If you are looking for a great way to enjoy breakfast with a twist, then consider Breakfast for Dinner 



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