Yummy Reduced Sugar Apple and Oat Muffins


Servings 12
Time Needed Prep
Ingredients 10
Difficulty Easy

Rating (click to rate)

3.2 based on 40 ratings.


  • 1 cup Apple puree
  • 1/2 cups Rolled Oats
  • 1 Egg
  • 1/2 cups Buttermilk
  • 2 tsp Butter melted
  • 1 cup Wholemeal Plain Flour
  • 1 tsp Baking Powder
  • 1 tsp Bicarbonate Of Soda
  • 1 tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 1 tsp Cinnamon

Nutrition Information

Qty per
56g serve
Qty per
Energy 37.3225kcalcal 66.467226894747kcalcal
Protein 1.3433333333333gg 2.3923274556084gg
Fat (total) 0.55666666666667gg 0.99136150145558gg
 - saturated 0.40333333333333gg 0.7182918663241gg
Carbohydrate 5.3791666666667gg 9.5796983411613gg
 - sugars 2.49gg 4.4344134226786gg
Dietary Fibre 0.505gg 0.8993489070091gg
Sodium 52.576666666667mgmg 93.633203368017mgmg

Nutritional information does not include the following ingredients: Egg, Butter, Cinnamon

Please Note - Nutritional information is provided as a guide only and may not be accurate.

Reduced Sugar Apple and Oat Muffins

bigstock Healthy Vegan Oat Muffins App 304605325 | Stay at Home

Reduced Sugar Apple and Oat Muffins are perfect for a school lunchbox or after school treat!. Now these muffins aren’t very sweet because we have substituted the sugar for apple puree. But it is healthy and delicious and the rolled oats give the muffin a nice texture!

bigstock Healthy Vegan Oat Muffins App 257042251 | Stay at Home

We substitute sugar in this recipe for apple puree. You can either buy it pre-bought (you can get it in a large jar from the sauce section of your supermarket) – or you can make your own by placing small apple slices (no skin) and a little water in the microwave for 10 minutes, then blending until it is smooth.

Serve them warm with some butter and syrup.

Reduced Sugar Apple and Oat Muffins | Stay at Home Mum

Here’s The Best Recipe For Apple and Oat Muffins!


  1. Add the rolled oats and buttermilk in a bowl. Stir and let it stand for two hours at room temperature.

  2. Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Grease muffin tin or line with paper patty cups.

  3. Stir in wholemeal flour, baking powder, bicarb soda in a large bowl. Add oat-buttermilk mixture, apple puree and egg. Mix well and fill into muffin cups.

  4. Bake for 30 minutes keep and eye on them in the oven. Make sure a skewer inserted into centre of muffin comes out clean.

Recipe Hints and Tips:

  • Apple and Oat Muffins can be frozen up to three months.
  • Extra time: 2 hours soaking, muffins will be ready in 2 hours and 40 minutes.
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