Roasted Duck Fat Potatoes
If you can find the Dutch Cream potatoes, which most supermarkets stock, they are truly the BEST type of potato to use not just for this recipe, but for all Roast Potato recipes! Duck Creams roast perfectly and they are fluffy and delicious in the middle.
Duck Fat is available in just about all supermarkets. You can find it either in the meat section or in the cooking oil section.
It doesn’t really matter how many potatoes you use for this recipe, use as many as you need, just make sure you use enough duck fat to lightly cover them.
Preheat the oven to a very hot 220 degrees.
Prick all the potatoes with a fork and place them in a microwave proof container with a tiny splash of water and a lid.
Microwave on HIGH for 8 minutes or until the potatoes are soft to the touch. Remove from the microwave.
Either chop the potatoes in half or gently crush them.
Place the potatoes in a bowl with the duck fat and carefully toss to ensure they are covered.
Place them on a lined baking tray, equally spaced so they have room.
Sprinkle over the flaked salt.
Bake for 20 minutes, turn and bake for a further 10 minutes or until golden.
Serve with the parsley.