Lets face it we need to balance out some of the condensed milk in our blood stream here at SAHM so we have given you a delicious twist (yes you will actually like this one!) on the conventional Green Smoothie…one that you can drink not chew and is yummy!!
Core and chop apple, mango and pineapple. Place all ingredients in blender and pulse for 2 minutes. Now add the ice and pulse again for 1 minute.
I like my green smoothies nice and cold, I think they taste nicer. Pour into glasses and serve straight away.
Recipe Hints and Tips:
- Green Smoothies are not suitable for freezing and best served on the day they are made as they tend to thicken up the longer let them sit.
- Green Smoothies should be kept refrigerated for up to 2 days.
- Green Smoothies have so many combinations let us know your favorite combo!