Well, I’ve had a lot of fun with this Watermelon Bombe, and if you have more patience than me (which wouldn’t be hard), you could do a much better job!
Watermelon Bombe is the kind of ice cream dessert that I will never ever forget the taste of because it’s truly delicious! It makes use of vanilla ice cream and I love vanilla ice cream so I love it so much!
This is easy to make and serves 10 persons but you can eat it all alone if you want!
Great for summer dessert, or a birthday cake – you choose! I’m going to serve it as dessert on Christmas day. It’s very refreshing!
You can pick up Peppermint Essence from the cake mix section of the supermarket – if you aren’t a fan of Peppermint – you can leave it out altogether.
Find a round deep bowl to use for the watermelon shape. I used a noodle bowl - but they are quite small.
Line the bowl with plastic wrap.
Add the litre of vanilla ice cream into a food processor with green food colouring to make it watermelon colour, and the peppermint essence.
Mix until well combined.
Spread the green layer over the bottom of the plastic wrap and place in the freezer until well set. If you're making it in the really hot weather and it's too wet, place it in the freezer for half an hour - then take out and shape (I had to do that!).
For the water 'pith' layer - beat some cream and layer this on top of the green ice cream layer.
Place in the freezer to set.
Mix the chocolate buttons through the strawberry ice cream and fill the watermelon to the top.
Add another layer of plastic wrap - freeze overnight.
Recipe Hints and Tips:
- Watermelon Bombe is suitable to freeze for up to six months.
- When serving the watermelon bombe, flip it over, and take out a slice to show your audience the frozen watermelon including seeds!.
- Great fun to make!!!!