There are many reasons I love the month of January. It’s a brand New Year, it’s summer and I feel refreshed from the Christmas break. Oh let’s not forget, the kids go back to school!
Don’t get me wrong, they are just as excited about the start of Term One as I am, with new friends to meet and make, sport carnivals, activities, learning”¦ you know, the stuff kids love.
That’s why I always make the extra effort to indulge their school-look for the start of the year, adding a bit of flair to their school bags with little mementos from their holidays. Last year I tried themed lunch boxes, when making sandwiches look like smiley faces was all the rage. The year before that I gave the boys new lunch containers to try, which they picked out themselves. The only problem with these little tricks, is that it did nothing to help my children eat their lunch at school, which was becoming a huge problem in my house.
Then I heard a friend talking about Thermos®, and their many uses for kids’ lunches. She said her son will only drink iced water, so the Thermos design was wonderful for him as it keeps the ice water cold all day long “” perfect for fussy eaters!
Kindly, Thermos® then invited us to test their Thermos FUNtainer™ products”” and what can I say, I am sold! Partly because I read they are amongst the retailers’ most successful products for the back-to-school season, and partly because I have some new recipe ideas I have been craving to try out “” and these little beauties are perfect for it!
I know how hard it is to convince children to eat their lunch at school, especially if it has any sort of healthy component. Seriously, all I want this year is to avoid my boys dumping their salad sandwiches in the bin and coming home starving! Because of this, I am determined to make their lunch the best in the class “” and only a Thermos® product can make this possible.
The best part of all: Thermos™ vacuum insulation technology virtually eliminates temperature change within the container, which keeps bacteria at bay and food and drinks fresher for longer by keeping them at the right temperature. No more worries, no more dumped and boring sandwiches!
Some other pros include:
- Solid construction;
- Fun designs;
- BPA Free;
- Keeps drinks cold for up to 12 hours in the drink bottles and food warm for up to 5 hours and cold for up to 7 hours in the food jars
- The boys can easily open and close the hygienic push button lid on the drink bottles;”
- Great for school lunches;
- No concerns about breakages.
Here are a few of my Thermos FUNtainer™ lunch box recipe ideas:
Hot Dogs
I know what you’re thinking: soggy bread, no kid will eat that!
Well, I am talking about just the hot dog in the Thermos® food jar. Wrap the bread or bun in some cling wrap and place it in the lunch box, then put the cooked hot dogs, cut them in half and put them in the Thermos FUNtainer™ food jar. This way your kids can create their own delicious lunch themselves. It’s fun and safe and convenient!
Fruit Smoothie
I always worry about making fruit smoothies. Mainly because by the time lunch comes around the banana has turned brown and the berries are looking a little shade of green.
Not anymore though! The vacuum insulation technology inside the Thermos FUNtainer™ drink bottle virtually eliminates temperature change within the container, which keeps bacteria at bay and food and drinks fresher for longer, by keeping them at the right temperature.
I always just use fruit in these, no milk.
Muesli Balls
My boys love these and I always keep a batch in the fridge for them to grab and snack on during hot days. The best part of this recipe is that you can pretty much hide any fruit in there “” no questions asked.
Thanks to their Thermos FUNtainer™ soft lunch kit, the boys can enjoy these delicious cold snack at school too, with the vacuum insulation technology keeping them at the right temperature all day!
There are many more recipes that can be used in these wonderful lunchbox devices “” with all FUNtainer™ products sold with a 5 year warranty. There are many fun designs that kids love, including Frozen, Mickey & Mini Mouse, Tinkerbell, Fire Truck, Thomas the tank engine, plain no-design options and more.
**This post is the opinion of SAHM, the product was provided by our friends at Thermos®