16. Individual Mini Ice Cream Cakes
Yeah, heart-shaped sprinkles and ice cream made into a fancy widdle cake are what we love!

17. Mini S’mores Ice Cream Cakes
Ice cream cakes (yes, again) but this time it’s S’mores. Iz so pretty I’m gonna cry!

18. Strawberry Ice Cream in Lemon Bowls
Yaaas, I love the fact that Dreyer’s are always incorporating some fruit in their recipes. However, the lemon on this one is only used as a cone substitute. But cute, still! And you can just imagine how great this smells.

19. Sizzling Ice Cream
Chocolate brownie topped with ice cream topped with chocolate syrup on a sizzling plate. B-E-A-utiful!

20. Chocolate-Dipped S’Mores Ice Cream Sandwiches
Haven’t I told you that we love ice cream, chocolate, ice cream sandwiches and S’mores? Well now you know!