There are foods you know are healthy, and other foods you aren’t so sure about…
We all want to eat as healthy as we can, both for ourselves and the health of our family. If you sometimes wander around the supermarket not really knowing where to start – then start here! All of these foods should be the basis of your meals – breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks! Don’t worry – they aren’t all ‘Seaweed and Snot’ – there are some damn yummy foods included in the list – you may just be suprised!
Here are the 20 Ridulously Healthy Foods to include in your grocery shop!
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List of the Best Weight Loss Shake Options in Australia
20 Ridiculously Healthy Foods to Include In Your Grocery Shop
1. Eggs
Eggs are great because not only are they delicious and versatile, they are really filling too – which is rare for a ‘health food’. Eggs are high in good quality protein too – with 6.3 grams of protein per egg.
When looking to purchase eggs, always pay the extra and get the cage-free eggs. Happy hens make tastier eggs!
Eggs contain:
- Vitamin D
- Folate (great for expectant Mothers)
- Riboflavin
- Vitamins A, E, B5 and B12
Eggs also contain a lot of nutrients such as choline and antioxidants that reduce the risk of breast cancer and also prevents cataracts and macular degeneration. You already know there are millions of fabulous recipes that highly just how good eggs are – but here are a few of our favourites:
Devilled Eggs
Frugal Potato Frittata
Bulk Bacon and Egg Muffins
Eggs are one of the 20 Ridiculously Healthy Foods You Should Add To Your Grocery List
2. Greek Yoghurt
Yoghurt is a great source of calcium. It has also immune-boosting bacteria. If you are planning to include yoghurt in your diet then consider having Greek yoghurt it has more proteins than the regular yoghurt. The healthiest yoghurt you can get at the Supermarket is the Chobani 0.5% Fat – and it is thick and delicious!
Some great recipes using Greek Yoghurt include:
Two Ingredient Greek Yogurt Pizza Dough
Greek Yoghurt Chocolate Mousse
Easy Yoghurt Baked Chicken Pieces
Greek Yoghurt makes a fantastic pizza dough! It is also a Ridiculously Healthy Food to Eat
3. Salmon
Salmon has a good combination of Vitamin D and Omega 3. These two fatty acids have a number of health benefits such as preventing heart disease, promoting healthy skin, stemming weight gain, improving brain function, and minimizing the effects of arthritis.
When buying salmon – always try and buy Australian Salmon – it’s the best!
Crispy Skinned Salmon is also my absolute favourite food in the world and I eat it at least three times per week! Our video below shows you how to cook it just like the restaurants do – at home!
How to Cook Perfect Crispy Skinned Salmon
Frugal Salmon Patties
Salmon is a Ridiculously Healthy Food to Include in Your Diet
4. Skim Milk
Fat-free or skim fat milk has calcium that strengthens your bones and teeth but is low in fat. Some kinds of milk are fortified with Vitamin D, which reduces the risk of heart diseases and osteoporosis, is helpful for certain kinds of cancer and also helps to fight depression.
Use skim milk for smoothies, shakes, puddings – and your cup of coffee in the morning!
Here are some skim milk recipe ideas!
Creamy Rice Pudding
How to Make Custard from Scratch
Chocolate and Banana Boobie Smoothie
Skim Milk is one of the 20 Ridiculously Healthy Foods to Include in Your Grocery Shop
5. Beans
Beans are a perfect food for fibre, protein, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Regular consumption of beans such as navy beans and kidney beans can help to reduce the risk of heart disease, lower cholesterol and high blood pressure, and prevent type 2 diabetes, and colon and breast cancers.
Homemade Baked Beans
Hot Damn Bacon and Beans Casserole
Beef N Bean Nachos
Bean is one of the 20 Ridiculously Healthy Foods to Include in Your Grocery Shop
6. Nuts
According to Nutrition Australia, many healthy studies suggest that consuming a handful of nuts (about 30 grams) per day will significantly reduce the risk of heart disease. Different types of nuts have different benefits.
Yes, nuts are high in fat – but it is the healthy type of fat. Regardless of that – just a handful a day is enough. Nuts are also a good source of fibre and protein. So they are filling too!
The healthiest nuts include:
- Macadamia Nuts
- Walnuts
- Brazil Nuts
- Almonds
- Cashews
Some great recipes containing nuts include:
Nuts and Bolts Crunchy Snack Mix
How to Make Nut Milk at Home
Nuts are one of the 20 Ridiculously Healthy Foods to Include in Your Grocery Shop
7. Lean Meats
Current nutritional guidelines suggest that we should be eating 65 grams of lean meat per day. Lean beef is a good source of iron and It has plenty of protein, vitamin B and zinc to help the body’s metabolism. But lean chicken and turkey are even better for you!
Some Lean Meat Recipes include:
Low Fat Turkey Burgers
Moist Low Fat Turkey Meatloaf
Mince Wellington with Lean Beef Mince
Lean Meats are one of the 20 Ridiculously Healthy Foods To Include in Your Grocery Shop
8. Olive Oil
Olive oil contain mono-unsaturated fats that help to lower the bad cholesterol and increase the good cholesterol levels in our blood. Olive oil is rich in antioxidants which can reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s disease.
Extra virgin olive oil is the healthiest choice – but it is more used for a dressing. If you are cooking, standard olive oil is better as it can handle the higher heats.
Olive Oil and Especially Extra Virgin Olive Oil is a Good Fat and is Ridiculously Good for You
9. Apples
Apple has many health benefits. It is rich in fibre and is considered effective in reducing heart diseases, lung cancer, and type 2 diabetes. As they say – an apple a day keeps the doctor away! If you need a snack – don’t look past an apple – they only have 95 calories each! Plus because apples contain both water and fibre – they are perfect for weight loss!
Some great recipes using apples include:
The Most Amazing Apple Pie Recipe in the World
Easy Apple Charlotte
Pork Apple and Caramelised Onion Rissoles
Reduced Sugar Apple and Oat Muffins
Apples are one of the 20 Ridiculously Healthy Foods You Should Buy Every Grocery Shop
10. Tofu
Tofu has a good amount of fibre and polyunsaturated fats. If you include it in your diet it is said to help to decrease the risk of breast cancer.
I know that tofu isn’t for everyone – I think it tastes like rubber personally – but it is healthy so is worthy to be included on this list!
Some recipes using tofu include:
Tofu Spring Rolls
Tofu Yoghurt
11. Rolled Oats
Rolled Oats are rich in fibre and they may also reduce the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and bowel and heart diseases. Plus rolled oats reduce cholesterol – and they are filling and delicious! Rolled Oats are perhaps one of the most nutricious foods you can buy! Some other benefits of rolled oats include:
- Rolled Oats are gluten free – so great for those who are sensitive to gluten
- Rolled Oats can help control your weight as they help keep you feeling fuller for longer
- Rolled Oats contain thiamine, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and selenium
Here are some great recipes using Rolled Oats:
Banana Oat Bites
Reduced Sugar Apple and Oat Muffins
Rad Raspberry Overnight Oats
12. Avocado
Avocado is a great source of soluble fibre, folate, and vitamin E. It assists in decreasing the risk of macular degeneration and heart diseases.
Here are some terrific recipes using Avocado:
Tuna Stuffed Avocado Boat Salad
Avocado Ice Cream with Macadamia Praline
Crispy Baked Avocado Fries
13. Spinach
Spinach is rich in lutein and iron. It assists in lowering blood cholesterol levels and minimizes the risk of heart attacks.
14. Dark Chocolate
You’ll be pleased to know that dark chocolate has many health benefits. It has flavonoid antioxidants which can lower cholesterol and minimize the risk of heart disease, plus reduce risks of some cancers.
15. Bananas
Bananas are high in dietary fibre and an excellent source of vitamin B6, vitamin C, potassium and magnesium.
Bananas are also a fantastic ingredient. Try recipes such as:
Elighs Caramelised Banana Bread
Chocolate and Banana Boobie Smoothie
Milo Banana Bread
16. Broccoli
Broccoli consumption can help to prevent diseases such as cancer and other chronic diseases. Broccoli is a high source of beta carotene, vitamin C, folate and fibre. Plus broccoli contains folic acid – perfect for pregnant women or women who plan on becoming pregnant in the near future.
Some great broccoli recipes include:
Slow Cooker Broccoli Cheesy Chicken
Chicken Broccoli Nuggets
Broccoli and Garlic Quesadillas
17. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet Potato is rich in Vitamin A. It protects your eyes, skin, respiratory system, and urinary tracts. Plus sweet potatoes are damn delicious!
Here are some yummy sweet potato recipes:
Sweet Potato Impossible Pie
Sweet Potato and Lentil Sausage Rolls
Loaded Sweet Potato Bake
Sweet Potatoes are certainly one of the 20 Ridiculously Healthy Foods to Include in Your Grocery Shop
18. Tomatoes
Tomato is a great source of lycopene – this antioxidant is considered to be effective in prevention of breast cancer and heart diseases. Tomatoes are the base for so many recipes – particularly Italian pasta dishes. Best of all, tomatoes are usually relatively cheap!
How to Make Rich Tomato Sauce at Home
Gherkin and Sundried Tomato Cob Loaf Dip
Tomatoes are on our list of 20 Ridiculously Healthy Foods to Include in Your Grocery Shop
19. Red Capsicums
Capsicums are rich in Vitamin C. It is beneficial for skin health, heart health and also improves your immune system. A single whole red capsicum is 169% of the recommended daily intake of Vitamin C!
Some recipes to use up Red Capsicums include:
Roast Tomato and Capsicum Soup
How to Make Stuffed Capsicums
Stuffed Red Capsicums are both Healthy, Filling and Delicious!
20. Blueberries
Blueberry has many health benefits. Blueberries contain fibre which helps with gut health, and also has antioxidants which help ward off some cancers and heart disease. Plus they are delicious with Greek Yoghurt!
Blueberry Muffins
Healthy Sour Cream and Blueberry Muffins
Blueberry Lemon Cheesecake Bars
Blueberries – one of the 20 Ridiculously Healthy Foods to Include in Your Grocery Shop