A British father of two learnt a hard lesson when he endured a five day erection after popping 35 Viagra pills at a party on a drunken bender.
“I ended up feeling sick, dizzy and hallucinating “” everything I saw was green. And I had a massive erection that would not go away,” Medforth told The Sun.
When the 36-year-old went home and greeted his wife with his bulging pants, his worried spouse called an ambulance, after her aroused husband confessed about his self-inflated fun.

When the paramedics arrived they took a stiff approach; telling the man off for his heightened behaviour.
Overdosing on Viagra can cause serious medical conditions such as irregular heartbeat, chest pains and nausea and, of course a prolonged erection, which can cause permanent damage if not treated.
Two years ago a 66-year-old Colombian man suffered the horrible fate of having his penis amputated after it became inflamed and gangrenous from taking too many Viagra tablets.
But despite the enhanced seriousness of Medforth’s situation, the paramedics still had a chuckle.
“The paramedics were very professional but you could see they were trying not to laugh,” Medforth said.
When Medforth was discharged from hospital he spent a few days in bed with his morning glory leaping to life whenever it brushed against something.
“Fortunately my wife has forgiven me and I realise I have been very, very lucky,” he said.