Pregnant Woman Found Stabbed to Death

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Pregnant Woman Found Stabbed to Death

A heavily-pregnant woman was found dead with multiple stab wounds in her Mt Druitt home late last night.

Police were called to the western Sydney home just after midnight, where Kirralee Paepaerei, 37, was found by her teenage son and his friend in an upstairs bedroom of the Chester Street townhouse.

Ms Paepaerei, who was seven months pregnant, had  multiple chest wounds and facial injuries.

A short time later Ms Paepaerei’s 38-year-old partner turned himself into police.

Pregnant Woman Found Stabbed to Death | Stay At Home Mum

The woman’s partner of almost two years was under guard at Nepean Hospital while being treated for non life-threatening injuries,  but has since been released to Mount Druitt Police Station, where he is being questioned.

“The male we believe did drive from the premises to the police station and walked in and presented himself to the counter,” Det Insp Goddard said.

Mt Druitt crime manager Detective Inspector David Goddard said the woman’s 15-year-old son was extremely distraught and obviously traumatised by the horrible events.

“I can’t describe how he was, he was very distraught. He had been out earlier in the evening and then came home and that’s when he found his mother,” he said.

Bundle of joy

The tragedy comes just one month after Ms Paepaerei, a mother to four boys, expressed her delight on social media at having a baby girl.

“Just got all clear from the Drs today and we’re proud to say that we’re having a healthy baby girl!” the 37-year-old posted on Facebook.

“Woo hoo I’m apparently getting my PINK baby.”

Pregnant Woman Found Stabbed to Death | Stay At Home Mum

Det Insp Goddard said while it is expected the man will be charged, he could not confirm if a murder weapon had been found this morning as the scene was still being examined.

While most neighbours were shocked at the news ; saying the suburban western Sydney street was normally very quiet, one man said it was not the first time police had been called to the house.

Ms Paepaerei is the latest horror story in a nation where at least one woman is killed by her partner or ex-partner every week.


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Frances Klein

A journalist by trade, Frances has joined Stay at Home Mum as executive editor, to connect with others in the ever-expanding and exciting online world...Read More. Frances has a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Creative Writing, from the Queensland University of Technology and her time as a feature writer, court reporter and journalist at award-winning daily The Gympie Times, taught her how to grab the here and now with both hands and craft stories of relevance and precision. As a mother of four, she's changed a few nappies and tied a few shoes in her time and now with a teenager in the house has rolled more than a few eyes (in pure reciprocation). She loves meeting new people, chasing a good story and learning just a little bit about everything. Read Less

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