Mum’s Shocked Face After Giving Birth To The Wrong Gender

2 min read
Mum’s Shocked Face After Giving Birth To The Wrong Gender

How would you react when you discover that the gender of your baby was not what you expected? This mum’s reaction says it all.

Mum Koto Nakamura got the surprise of her life when after she gave birth to her firstborn, expecting the baby to be a girl as what she was told during an ultrasound, the midwife told her, “actually it’s not a girl, you have a baby boy!”

Mum's Shocked Face After Hearing She Gave Birth to a Boy Instead of a Girl | Stay at Home Mum

Koto’s reaction was that of utter surprise and birth photographer, Jessica Jackson caught on camera the hilarious candid moment.

She posted in her Instragram that incredible moment, which shows Koto in her hospital bed, clearly looking shocked and staring directly at the lens.

“The look I captured was her saying ‘a boy? Jess am I hearing this right’, I remember saying to her, ‘Yes you have a son!” Jessica said.

During Koto’s delivery, the midwife told her a story of a mum in the past who had been told that her baby was one gender, only to deliver the opposite. “We were all laughing and joking, saying ‘oh gosh imagine if that happened to Koto’ we really didn’t believe it was possible,” Jessica said.

Mum's Shocked Face After Hearing She Gave Birth to a Boy Instead of a Girl | Stay at Home Mum

Koto and her husband, Sina Niakansafy had already picked out the name Hinata for their new daughter. When Koto was told she had a new son, she was surprised, and thought she had misheard or misinterpreted. “She was saying “not Hinata?’ Jessica said.

However, Jessica said that once everything sunk in, the couple were beyond excited and Sina was planning camping trips with his son, they named Taiga, which means big and gracious.

Mum's Shocked Face After Hearing She Gave Birth to a Boy Instead of a Girl | Stay at Home Mum

Koto’s mother had travelled from Japan to Hobart before the birth, and Jessica got to spend the day with the family as a photographer, friend and support.

“I got to really experience the highs and lows in that delivery room and capture all of that for them to look back on. The laughter, the excitement and the tears, actually left me without a voice for a week, it was an absolute dream to be witness and document the birth of this baby, and how awesome for Taiga to have the exact look on his mum’s face to look back on,” Jessica said.


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