Mum Shares Moment She Tells Her Son He Beat Cancer

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Mum Shares Moment She Tells Her Son He Beat Cancer

A mum has captured on camera the heartwarming moment she told her son he is now cancer-free.

Mum Casi Morris, from Bartlesville, Oklahoma in the US, just cannot contain her excitement when she returned from hospital last month along with the news that her seven-year-old son, Ben, was officially cancer-free, that she had to capture his reaction on camera once she tells him the good news.

Mum Shares Moment She Tells Her Son He Beat Cancer | Stay at Home Mum

Ben was first diagnosed with leukaemia at age three on March 22, 2013. Since then, he has been going through expensive and painful treatment, until last month, when Ms Morris followed up at the hospital about Ben’s condition and the doctors told her the good news they have been waiting for.

So, when she arrived to see Ben, Ms Morris made sure her camera comes in handy to record that precious moment her son hears the news.

In a video posted to YouTube, which now has more than 70,000 views, Ms Morris can be seen beaming as she explains the doctor’s results on Ben’s condition.

“Alright, so I just pulled in and I just got results back from our oncologist’s office and from his bone marrow aspirate that we did which is a biopsy and it came back totally negative for leukaemia and so Benjamin is cancer free,” Mrs Morris said.

She said that they get to finish treatment in three days and has only about a month left of taking medicine and going to the hospital, and one more major chemotherapy treatment. “So I’m about to go tell my kid that he beat cancer,” she said.

Upon entering their home, Ms Morris calls Ben and her older son, Ethan, who both came running down stairs.

“Hey Ben, guess what?” she says to her son.

“I have a little bit of news. So you know how yesterday they ran some tests on your bone marrow? And they were looking to see if you have any cancer cells left or if they all went away? And, they all went away. You are cancer free. You don’t have cancer anymore,” she said.

As he heard the news, amazingly, Ben’s first thought was not about his fight with cancer, but about the friends he has made during his journey. “Do I still go to (cancer) camp?”, he asks to which his mum replied, “Yes, you still go to camp!”

At that point, Ben and his brother started jumping and doing a ‘cancer free’ dance around the lounge room of their home as they celebrate the life-changing news.


Ms Morris said she filmed the precious family moment for all the people who had supported them through Ben’s illness. “We felt like they had earned the right to be in that moment when we finally got to tell him “you did it buddy”,” she told Fox23 News.

Ben also said he was “happy” to hear the news. “I did it for three years, it was a really long time, we thought I might not make it but I just didn’t give up,” he said.

Ben only has one more round of chemotherapy on Tuesday before his battle can be officially declared over.

Source: and

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