Mum Refuses to Take Pain Killers After Crash So She Could Breastfeed Her Baby

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Mum Refuses to Take Pain Killers After Crash So She Could Breastfeed Her Baby

A mother has decided to make a sacrifice and not take pain killers for her injuries after a car crash so she could breastfeed her baby.

Mum Danni Bett was travelling with her two-month-old daughter, Indi, on the outskirts of Christchurch, New Zealand, when she lost control of her car and crashed into a metal fence, wrecking the car.

Mum Refuses to Take Pain Killers After Crash So She Could Breastfeed Her Baby | Stay at Home Mum

Ms Bett suffered a shooting pain down her neck, back and through her hips, but she refused to take pain killers for more than four hours so she can breastfeed her baby. reported that Ms Bett said she just wanted to comfort her baby despite the pain.

When paramedics arrived, they took Ms Bett and the baby to Christchurch Hospital for treatment. Little Indi amazingly just slept throughout the crash and only woke when onlookers came to help her and her mother.

At the hospital, Ms Bett refused to take strong pain killers as she underwent X-Rays, ultrasounds and other tests. When she was wheeled back to her room, she asked the nurse to let her feed Indi, but it was suggested that the newborn be fed by bottle. However, Ms Bett persisted and was eventually allowed to see her crying daughter, reunited on a hospital stretcher.

Mum Refuses to Take Pain Killers After Crash So She Could Breastfeed Her Baby | Stay at Home Mum

“I wanted her, I wanted to calm her. After a traumatic day as it is, to give her that (a bottle) would not be right. (Breastfeeding) is the best for her and I had that,” she said.

A hospital nurse caught on camera the special moment. Ms Bett said that she hoped the photo would inspire other breastfeeding mothers “to feed babies whenever, wherever’, whether in public or a hospital bed.”

Both mother and daughter are reportedly now doing well.


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