A mum, who brought her baby at a bar in the US and kept a bottle of vodka inside her pram, has been jailed for endangering her daughter and assaulting a police officer.
Police have arrested 25-year-old Mary Jane Carpenter who was drunk and not supervising her two-year-old daughter, who was rolling around on the dirty floor at a bar in Des Moines, Iowa in the US.
Bar patron Dave Jones said he approached Ms Carpenter to confront her, which agitated her. “I said something, she got upset about it, and when she went to leave, she tripped and fell and landed on her child,” he said.
Mr Jones said Ms Carpenter then got up and left the bar with her daughter, and the bartender immediately called police. He told local media that the mother left her child in her pram outside and fled the scene on foot.
“My first thought was that stroller’s going to roll into the street, so I got up there as I quick as I could,” he said. Jones stayed with the toddler until police arrived.
Police say Ms Carpenter was under the influence of alcohol and possibly drugs. They said she had a 0.183 blood alcohol level during an on-site breath test. They also found a water bottle full of vodka inside the child’s pram.
Sergeant Ryan Doty said that when a family member arrived to take the child, Ms Carpenter became agitated and started assaulting a police officer, who was removing her child, and inadvertently struck her own child in the face.
Ms Carpenter has been charged with child endangerment, assault on a police officer and public intoxication.
Source: Tenplay.com.au