Couple Charged After Leaving Their Three Young Kids Inside Hot Car

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Couple Charged After Leaving Their Three Young Kids Inside Hot Car

A couple will face court after allegedly leaving their three children, including a four-month-old, inside their hot car on a 28°C day outside a shopping centre.

The Daily Telegraph reported that the father, from Mt Druitt, and his 29-year-old partner have been charged with leaving three young children in a motor vehicle unattended outside a St Marys shopping centre, in western Sydney on Saturday.

A concerned citizen alerted the shopping centre security of a baby crying inside a car.

Couple Charged After Leaving Their Four-Month-Old Baby and Two Kids Inside Hot Car | Stay at Home Mum
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Police arrived at the scene just after 2pm and found the infant and its four and seven-year-old siblings inside the car. Thankfully, the three children were unharmed.

The couple allegedly left their children inside the vehicle for 30 minutes in direct sunlight. They will face Penrith Court on January 20.


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