A one year old baby badly burnt in Nauru detention facility is being treated at Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital.
The girl was injured when boiling water was accidentally spilt inside the tent she was living in with her parents.
A spokesperson for the Brisbane hospital made a statement on Friday that the baby would not be discharged until a “suitable home environment is identified, as is the case with every child who presents at hospital”.
“All decisions relating to a patient’s treatment and discharge are made by qualified clinical staff, based on a thorough assessment of the individual patient’s clinical condition and circumstances, and with the goal of delivering the best outcome,” the statement read.
Both the girls parents are in Brisbane and have been visiting her daily, as her injuries continue to heal and her condition is listed was stable.
According to Refugee Action Collective’s Mark Gillespie they are said to be terrified at the thought of going back to Nauru.
“Both of them they don’t want to go back,” Mr Gillespie said.
“They’re fearful for their baby and the conditions that they face. It’s just horrible for them and they’re resolute that they don’t want to go back. It’s just terrible for them.”
People Gather To Protest Outside In Support: Brisbane Hospital Refuses To Discharge Refugee Baby.
A protest was held last week outside the hospital in support of the hospital staff’s decision. Many protesters used this as a platform to call for the closure of the Nauru facility.
Ellen Roberts, the spokesperson for the group of protesters said, “We are gathered here tonight in support of the young girl who is inside the hospital and her family. We also support the doctors who have taken a very brave stance in refusing to release her.”
Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, spokeswoman for Greens Immigration said she had “huge admiration for these doctors and nurses who are doing the right thing and refusing to release her”.
“All strength to the medical professionals at the Brisbane hospital for acting in the best interests of this child,” she said. The doctors know that discharging this baby would send her and her family straight to the dangers of indefinite detention on Nauru.
“It’s time Malcolm Turnbull listened to the medical experts and realised that there is no government policy that can justifying the abuse of children. The Turnbull Government needs a Nauru exit strategy, before more children are permanently harmed.”