A 21-year-old babysitter who allegedly straddled an 11-year-old boy for a 45 second romp in his father’s lounge room has escaped jail time because she is “immature” and the victim was “unusually mature”.
Jade Hatt, from the UK, was looking after the boy in November last year when the sexual encounter occurred while the boy was taking a day off school sick, the Swindon Advertiser reported.
The boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, allegedly told Hatt he was four years older than his actual age and according to his father, is “sex mad”.
Hannah Squire, prosecuting, told Swindon Crown Court: “The defendant was friends with the boy’s father, with whom she had had a brief sexual relationship.
“He would ask her to babysit; she had babysat his 11-year-old son on six or seven occasions. On one of those occasions this offence took place.
“It was during the day and the boy was off school. The defendant arrived at about 11.30am.
“The boy was laying down, Jade Hatt sat on top of him, sat astride him, took off her clothes and removed his.
“In his words she started bouncing on his private parts. Sexual intercourse took place. According to him it was fairly brief: about 45 seconds. She told him she enjoyed it, he said he had not as it was wrong.”
In her defence Hatt’s lawyer, Rob Ross, told court his client was a small, immature, woman and the victim was very advanced for his years.
“She clearly doesn’t operate at the level of a 20-year-old and was honest with the police about what had taken place,” Ross told court.
He added that she was vulnerable and had a hard upbringing, spending two years in hospital with leukaemia between the ages of five and seven.
Reading from a statement from the boy’s father, Mr Ross also told the court: “He (the father) said ‘I know he told her he was 15. He looks older than his years. He is sex mad.
The statement also read: “He would have been fully up for this experience and in many ways sees it as a notch on his belt and is totally unaffected by it.”

Judge Tim Mousley QC handed Hatt a suspended sentence and ordered her to register as a sex offender for seven years and banned her from unsupervised contact with young boys for two years.
“Having read everything before me, it was quite clear he was a mature 11-year-old and you were an immature 20-year-old, so that narrows the arithmetic age gap between you,” the judge said.
“I have read the comments of the boy’s father to the police where he doesn’t consider you a typical 20-year-old. I have also read what he has said about the effect on the victim.”