13-Year-Old Girl Wakes Up From a Coma With No Memory After Falling Off a Cliff

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13-Year-Old Girl Wakes Up From a Coma With No Memory After Falling Off a Cliff

A 13-year-old girl who fell into a month-long coma after falling head-first down a 10-metre cliff has awoken with no memory as a result of post trauma amnesia.

Faith Butt, from Mathoura, New South Wales, fell in Taipan Wall Gorge in Victoria’s Grampians National Park during a school trip on October 20.

Faith was among a group of 20 Year 8 students and three adults from Moama Anglican Grammar, New South Wales, on an excursion to the region when the accident happened.

Paramedics had to trek to the remote location where Faith fell before they could airlift her to hospital.

13-Year-Old Girl Wakes Up From a Coma With No Memory After Falling Off a Cliff | Stay at Home Mum

Experts have said that Faith will have no memory of the ‘particular phase’ although she has awoken from her coma, but her mother, Barb Cox told the Herald Sun that she believes Faith recognises her. “I know that she knows when I’m there because she settles,” she said.

Faith is off life support and has the ability to breathe on her own, but she can’t communicate. Experts said children’s brains had a lot of ‘plasticity’ but the path to recovery wasn’t clear. They believe Faith will need at least a year of rehabilitation and support to fully recover.

13-Year-Old Girl Wakes Up From a Coma With No Memory After Falling Off a Cliff | Stay at Home Mum

Ms Cox had been at her daughter’s bedside in the Melbourne Royal Children’s Hospital – where she was airlifted to – since the fall. Faith has been in the intensive care unit since having emergency surgery, recovering from a fractured skull and facial bones and a broken pelvis. “We don’t have any idea what is going to happen next,” she said.

Go Fund Me campaign has been set up to help support the family.

Victoria Police and Worksafe are investigating Faith’s fall.


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