Have you ever been asked to give a speech at a wedding? If so, then one road that many people choose to take when it comes to wedding speeches is the humorous route.
Weddings are happy, joyous occasions filled with laughter so what better way to celebrate than with a funny speech?
When you think about what makes you laugh, you most likely come up with several different options. There is the slapstick humour, the dirty jokes, the sarcasm or ironic undertones, the comedic relief, and, of course, the drunken idiot. However, many of these options are not appropriate for a funny wedding speech. In fact, none of them are.
So, in order to avoid turning your proposed funny wedding speech into an unsuitable wedding speech blunder, you need to know what to look for. We have outlined the five of most common, funny yet inappropriate funny wedding speech mistakes to avoid.
1.Slapstick Humour
This usually involves someone falling down, crashing over, getting mildly hurt or embarrassing themselves. Think Jim Carey in most of his movies. This will not work for your speech, so before you attempt to light yourself on fire with a wedding candle or topple over the wedding cake in an attempt to get laughs, stop.
2.The Dirty Jokes
Dirty jokes can be extremely funny in the privacy of your own home, or around the poker table. However, when you have the bride’s parents, the groom’s boss and their most respected colleagues listening to your every word, it’s a good idea to avoid the potty mouth in your funny wedding speech.
3.Sarcasm or Irony
Sarcasm is also not a good idea, even if you think it will loosen up the crowd. Furthermore, don’t try to use dry wit or irony if you do not know how to use it or are unsure if it is appropriate. There is a time and a place. And, in most instances, a wedding is neither.
4.Comedic relief
Save the comedic relief to the experts like Lano and Woodley. Comedic relief usually comes in the form of a one liner. However, unless you know what you are doing, you will end up with a silence and that ever-embarrassing throat clear in the crowd and a baby crying somewhere in the corner.
5.Drunken antics
Getting drunk and acting like an idiot can be hilarious on television or the big screen. It can even be funny in real life. However, save the drunken behaviour for the bucks’ night. A wedding is supposed to be a civil event, so remain in control and out of trouble by limiting your alcohol intake.