4. You’ll Be Sent On Murderous Rampages
Manson Family

Charles Manson is a convicted serial killer who has become an icon of evil. In the late 1960s, Manson founded a hippie cult group known as “the Family” whom he manipulated into brutally killing others on his behalf.
On June 16, 1970, Charles Manson and three of his ‘Family’ followers, Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel and Leslie Van Houten, went on trial in Los Angeles for a string of gruesome murders.
The first set of victims: a beautiful actress named Sharon Tate (who was eight months pregnant and begged for the life of her unborn baby); a celebrity hairstylist named Jay Sebring; coffee fortune heiress Abigail Folger; writer Wojciech Frykowski; and Steven Parent, a friend of the family’s caretaker. Each was savagely murdered on August 9, 1969, at the home of Tate and her husband, famed movie director Roman Polanski who was out of the country at the time.
The next evening, another set of murders took place. Supermarket executive Leno LaBianca and his wife, Rosemary, were killed at their home.
Over the course of two nights, the killers took the lives of seven people, inflicting 169 stab wounds and seven .22-caliber gunshot wounds. Both crime scenes revealed horrifying details.
The word ‘pig’ was written in victim blood on the walls of one home and the front door of another. There was also another phrase apparently scrawled in blood: Helter Skelter. Manson believed a Beetles song of the same name predicted the coming of a race war where blacks would slaughter whites. When the day came and there was no major fall-out, he gave the order for him and his followers to show them how to do it.
Manson told four of his followers to go to an address on Cielo drive and kill the people in the house.
It was later discovered that the intended victims he chose were people that had refused to help him in his music career.
They no longer resided at the address Manson gave his depraved followers.
3. They Use Gastro To Win The Votes…
Light On The Path

This group of radicals is credited with the first bioterrorist attack on the United States. The cult was founded by an Indian mystic named Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. He formed a few different cult communities in Oregon and filled them followers and, oddly enough, Rolls Royce cars.
In 1984, the group allegedly poisoned hundreds in Dallas, Oregon with salmonella in order to try and rig the elections in their favour”¦um, diarrhoea for the win? What the hella?
2. They’ll Deck You Out In Fancy Shoes Then Kill You
Heaven’s Gate

This cult is also quite well known”¦probably due to the whole aliens coming/mass suicide thing. The Heaven’s Gate cult believed that its founders were sent to Earth by spaceship and would eventually return through a process that was only taught to cult members. These cult members were so dedicated to the cause that, in 1997, 38 members committed suicide in order to ride home on a spaceship that was hiding behind the comet that was apparently carrying Jesus.
All of the members were found dead wearing white Nikes, black sweatpants and black shirts with armbands with the words “Heaven’s Gate Away Team.”
1. Your Cousin’s Brother’s Nephew Is Your Baby’s Daddy
Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS)

Holy Moly! These guys surely do take the prize for religion turned completely cult, and made some more of their own rules up along the way!
FLDS are a breakaway sect (of the Mormons) who strictly adhere to the ‘Fundamentalist’ part of their beliefs, which originally included Polygamy. Seeing as the Mormons ditched the polygamy part of things they were considered very boring and are now on their own as plain old Latter Day Saints.
There has been some very entertaining TV series showing the easy blending of the FLDS clans and everyday society.
In reality, however, you’ll find them a little more on the outskirts of things. This ostracism has a lot to do with their leader Warren Jeffs being locked up in the clink, serving a life sentence for being an accomplice to the rape of both a 12- and 15-year-old girl”¦and yep, he’s still their leader, despite also being charged but not convicted of direct counts of rape and incest.
He also has about 80 wives. Am I the only one who immediately thinks ‘STI-fest’?
Just in case you’re not yet put off joining this band of merry wrestlers, there are a few points to consider on what life as an FLDS member may bring:
- There’s somewhere between 7000-10000 followers in the twin towns that nestle the group. Things could get very cosy indeed.
- On the upside, the FLDS group split before they banned alcohol, tea, coffee and tobacco, so even though you may have to share your husband with 70 other women, you can, at least, be buzzed in one way or another whilst dealing with it!
- One of the early Mormon prophets believed you could shed your own blood to beg forgiveness for certain sins and happily encouraged followers to spill the blood of others who committed such serious sins. Warren Jeffs often preached a type of blood atonement that said you could kill a sinner to gain access to heaven. Oh yeah, that’s normal”¦
- They believe Warren Jeffs is the President of the United States Of America. Of course.
- The United Effort Plan (FLDS created trust fund) owns most of the properties of the community members. This means you can be kicked out at any time. Bummer dude.
- The largest FLDS community recorded census data revealing that 67% of the population is 19 years of age and younger. In fact, the median age is 12.6, so looks like you need to keep your looks and lie about your age or you’re a goner (see above point of interest)
- You’ll always wear a delightful uniform smock as it deters jealousy between wives, prevents lust-filled stares from men who aren’t your hubby and it looks awesome. No, actually it doesn’t.
- In groups, where there are lots of genetic inbreeding due to multiple marriages in a pool of not many people (this is one of those groups) rare conditions occur that result in high rates of infant deaths or disorders similar to Down’s Syndrome.
- Sex is only for procreation, so once you’re knocked up, show’s over for nine months!