Cults take away your money, right to speak out and freedom to wear ankle-bearing clothes. So why join one?
Why indeed? It’s baffling considering the crazy, scary, and utterly bizarre ways of life most of them adhere to daily.
9. They Murder Babies and Other Members
The Order Of The Solar Temple

This cult was created on the belief of continuing the Knights of Templar. The group was started by Joseph Di Mambro and Luc Jouret in 1984. They convinced members that they were members of the Knights Templar in a past life and that Di Mambro’s daughter was “the cosmic child” and a virgin birth. In 1994, a three-month-old infant was stabbed to death with wooden stakes because a deluded Di Mambro believed that he was the anti-Christ come to unseat him.
After the infant’s death, many other cult members were found dead and were continued to be found dead in what appeared to be bizarre rituals. In one cult, members were found in a circle, dressed in the ceremonial robes, with plastic bags over their heads. They had all been shot in the head.
8. They Starve Babies To Death
The Body Of Christ
The Body of Christ is a small authoritarian group that focuses on “direct revelation” and not the Bible for its direction, meaning they don’t do much without a ‘sign’ from above. In recent years, two children have died pointlessly at the hands of these fanatics.
Samuel, the ten-month-old baby of the founder’s son, Jacques, died of malnutrition. The little baby was not fed because the cult believed that they were going to get a sign from God to feed him. The other child who died was Jeremiah, son of Rebecca Corneau. The baby died shortly after the mother gave birth. The reason for the death of the baby has been attributed to the lack of medical care provided.
When former member Dennis Mingo left the group, he gave a diary to the police in which he described the deaths of the two babies in depth. Regardless of the effort the police had put into finding the bodies of the children, they have remained to be unsuccessful.
The cult denounces education, government, banking, religion, medicine, science and entertainment. This bunch of bizzaros expect that the world will soon erupt in outrageous violence and turmoil and that they alone will be the sole survivors of the disaster that they predict.
7. They Believe Aliens Are Coming To Save The Chosen
Nuwaubians are a strange combination of Christianity, ancient Egyptian iconography and beliefs, and a belief that aliens are coming at some point, probably soon, to take 144,000 chosen people away in flying saucers. Yes, I know, very believable so far.
The group wanted to create a new nation within the United States, but instead had its compound destroyed and its leader imprisoned. Reason being the group’s founder, Dwight York, was busted for racketeering, child sex slave trafficking, and child molestation.
The group has lost many members since that debacle, but some still await his release. York will be back out of prison and ready to lead his people into the night sky when his 135-year sentence ends in April 2122.
6. They Eat Human Flesh and Animal Shit
The Aghori
The Aghori or Aghouri is a Hindu cult that is considered to have split off from the Kapalika order of the religion in the 14th century AD. Many Hindus condemn the Aghorias non-Hindu due to their cannibalistic rituals. The cult dwells on cremation grounds, daubing themselves with the ashes of the corpses and drink from a kapala, which is a cup made from a skull.
The Aghori believe everything to be god itself and to abandon anything would be equivalent of abandoning god. Hence, why they smear themselves in excrement and eat anything from rotten food to animal faeces, not tossing anything away!
In order to achieve the highest citadel of enlightenment, the Aghori will perform horrendously crude rituals. The finality of their rituals is attained from eating the decaying flesh of a human. Retch.
5. The Punchbowl Will Be Laced With Poison
The People’s Temple

The People’s Temple was founded by Reverend Jim Jones as a way to help jobless, homeless and sick people, no matter their race. The ‘church’ was known for performing fake healings, using chicken livers and other animal tissue, in order to earn money and gain followers.
Long story short, Jones wanted a communist utopian community, in which everyone lived together and worked for a common good, but nowhere close to the U.S government, so he moved about 1000 followers to Guyana (yup, in the jungle) to their new digs. In order to avoid some seriously bad publicity back home, the group moved in before everything was completed. Members were forced to work 11 hour days in fields or on housing in the searing heat and many got sick quickly. Escape through kilometers of jungle, only to be met by armed guards meant everyone stayed put. The half-done housing saw cabins overcrowded, filled with bunk beds, males and females separated regardless of marital status and to top it off, old mate Jones let his voice drift through a loud speaker all night sending out his drug-addled messages.
Jim’s followers also practiced group suicide drills in the middle of the night. Yikes!
Back in the US, Congressman Leo Ryan had received reports of some dodgy events in Guyana, so he popped over with a film crew and offered any members of the People’s Temple a free ride home. His welcome was cordial and even pleasant. On his attempt to leave, however, a member was ordered to slit his throat. They failed and Leo Ryan escaped onto a truck. On the congressman’s attempt to board a plane at the airport, gunmen from the compound tried to shoot him down. They, unfortunately, did succeed, taking out four other people in the group also.
Back at paradise springs, aka, Jonestown, things got shaky. The leader announced that to avoid the parachutes that would land and shoot their innocent babies and children, the only thing to do was to commit suicide”¦which they had practiced as a group at least twice.
Buckets of grape flavour-aid, cyanide and valium were set out ready for service.
Babies and children were brought up first and force-fed the poison by syringe, next up were the mothers, followed by all other members. They were told to go and lay down with their family. It took 45 minutes to complete the mass murder-suicide of 900 people. Some members met their death much faster, being shot point-blank in the head if they showed any disinterest.
167 people survived by hiding in the compound or fleeing to the nearby jungle.
On that day, November 18, 1978, over 909 people were killed. Of the people that died from drinking the poison, 276 were children.
Jones was found dead in an armchair with a single gunshot wound to his head.