This post is brought to you by Naked Wines
A few precious moments at the end of a batshit crazy day.
The chance to clear a patch on the sofa between the lego bricks and regurgitated rice crackers to sit and enjoy a glass of your favourite grape juice.
What’s your go to? A classic Chardy? A nice chilled Rosé? Or maybe a big juicy Barossa red?!
But what’s this? disaster!
You’ve popped your head in the cupboard and found”¦ nothing! Argh! You’re all out.
You forgot to grab something on your way home with a screaming toddler in the back and ice cream in your hair.
I hear ya.
That’s why buying your wine online and getting it delivered is SUCH A GOOD IDEA, right?!
Well, something fun and wine-y has popped up on my radar recently and I’m a teensy bit impressed so wanted to share.
They’re a nice bunch called Naked Wines and they’ve been shaking up the wine industry here in Aus since 2012.
Believe me, they’re not your normal wine retailers selling just any old plonk. They actually fund the best independent Aussie and Kiwi winemakers directly to make exclusive wines for their members (called Angels, ahhh) at easy-to-swallow prices. In return, the winemakers get a fair price for their passion and brilliance and a thirsty audience of thousands to enjoy it.
And guess what. 15 of their 54 super-talented winemakers are Mums at the top of their game!
That’s right.
Fabulous females making wonderful wines to support their family with the financial backing of Naked Wines and their Angels.
Winemakers like lifelong besties Nina Stocker and Kate Day. These women have a combined 30 years experience at some of the greatest and most historic winemaking regions on the planet. And thanks to Naked Wines funding, they now have their own label and sell it exclusively through them.
13 other inspiring women also juggle motherhood with creating stunningly good wines. Their journeys are amazing, like Tash Mooney who’s made wine not only in Australia but overseas in the US, Chile and South Africa. Along the way she’s been included in the Wine Spectator Top 10 Wines of the Year in the U.S.
Or Kym Carr, winemaking for award-winning wineries like Vasse Felix and nominated for young winemaker of the year in 2006. Kym’s life was shattered by the passing of her younger sister, whose final wish was that she carry on working towards her passion. Supported by Naked Wines and their Angels, Kym, mother of two, got back into the wine game and created her own boutique label named after her sister.
There are more. Every one of the Naked Wines winemakers, and every one of their wines, has a story.
So I thought you’d like to find out for yourself what all the fuss is about.
We’ve cleverly arranged for you to get $100 off a case of 12 Naked Wines, delivered right to your door, if you’d like to give them a go.
You can grab a special offer case of exclusive red, white or a mix of both, for only $79.99 – $6.87 a bottle or the Naturally Naked case of organic, vegan, bio-dynamic or natural wines for $99 – $8.25 a bottle. They’re all made by independent Aussie and Kiwi winemakers and only sold through the Naked Wines website.
These cases come with free Angel membership so you can continue to save 25-50% off their wines every time you buy. To support the winemakers, Angels put $40 a month aside in their Naked Wines account and use that to buy whatever wines they want, whenever they want.
That way your cupboard need never run bare again.