Ask any new mum and she’ll tell you that she probably regrets at least one or two purchases she made for her baby that she thought she would need, but she didn’t end up using, or it was just a waste of time.
Over the years there have been some wacky things that people have invented for babies that nobody in their right mind would use today.
Like the baby onesie with a dust mop attached down the front of it… so when your crawling baby is getting around on your dirty floors it is cleaning them for you at the same time. Ideally you would be letting your baby crawl around on a clean floor, but hey, what do I know.
Or how about the “Kickbee” – a wearable foetal monitoring belt that sends a tweet every time it detects baby kicking in your womb?
As a mum of three kids, I may not have purchased any of the above, but I did waste a few bucks along the way with wizzbang gadgets and all those hot “must have” products that turned out to be fizzers.
It can be hard to know what you definitely need, and what you maybe might need, because your friend has one and swears by it but your sister had one and didn’t use it.
There’s always going to be some middle ground, of course, but there are essentials that every mum will find to be necessary. Did you know that all the must-have items are available at BigW? They have the best prices on all baby products and you can stop waddling all over town looking for things in different shops, because it’s all there in one convenient location.
10 Baby Essentials You definitely NEED in the first year:
1. Disposable Nappies and MCN’s
Whether you are going to use cloth or disposable nappies, you are going to need – nappies. Personally I liked to buy my nappies in bulk from BigW. They’re on sale quite often and I can stack my trolley up to the nines! Apart from nappies, they also have the plastic nappy covers (for poo explosions or #3). Disposable changing mats (more compact for when you don’t want to lug a huge nappy bag around), baby wipes (which are good for everything – from cleaning baby’s bot bot to cleaning the bathroom.
My pick: Huggies Nappies.
You should stock up right now at BigW (in store only)
2. Bottles
Yeah yeah, breast is best. BUT, even if you plan on breastfeeding, it is a great idea to invest in some baby bottles for emergencies (ie boobs are tired) – or if you are like me – and couldn’t breastfeed at all! Apart from bottles, there is also the necessary sterilising equipment, breast pumps (oh buy yourself two of them – invaluable for saving time) – and nipple protectors. Not sexy, but necessary! Plus once bub moves on to solids, there are sippy cups! I assure you once your new baby is a teenager, you will still be finding those little buggers under your couch!!!!
My Pick: Phillips Avent Classic Feeding Bottle 260ml
Available in store only right now at BigW
3. A Nice Place to Sleep
Hahahahahahaha. Oh sorry. Yes well, baby is MEANT to sleep 20 out of 24 hours per day for the first few weeks. Sorry, that doesn’t happen. BUT, you do need a place for your baby to sleep. A good quality cot (which MUST reach Australian standard!). Or whilst bubs is really little, you may want a bassinette. There is such a gorgeous range of cute little baby beds available now that don’t cost the earth!
My Pick: Childcare Lullaby Bassinet – Lamb
And best of all, it is available in store at BigW
4. Baby Bedding
Take this advice from a veteran: you will always need a LOT more sheets and blankets than you expect and some days, on bad days, you might find yourself changing a cot or bassinette several times. At the very very least, I would invest in four sets of sheets. Then there are blankets. Don’t forget swaddle rugs and muslin wraps too – they are not only great to wrap baby in, they make great spew rags as well!
My Pick: My 3 Piece Cot Sheet Set
BigW has them (available in store only)
5. Baby Clothes
Look, clothes are obviously essential. You can’t have your baby getting around naked after all. Invest in a wide range of clothing from sanity saving onsies to singlets, hats and socks as well as the more trendy fashion choices. My children LIVED in Wondersuits when they were babies. They are durable, wash well, are stretchy and comfortable for little bodies. And they are just oh so cute.
My Pick: Always the Bonds Zip Wondersuits. I used them, I love them. If I was crazy enough to have another baby – I would use them again!
(in store only)
6. A Good Quality (Safe) Car Seat
Car seats are the one area you can’t ever afford to scrimp on. All car seats you can buy at BigW are Australian approved and tested. Plus they sell all the greatest brands like Safe-n-Sound, First Years, Mother’s Choice and Infasecure.
My Pick: Infasecure “Neon” Car Booster Seat – it will last your child from birth until 4 years old!!!!
A real investment in safety at BigW (in store only)
7. Prams and Strollers
Finding the right pram or stroller for you is important. Not everyone will have the exact same needs. Think about how you will use your pram, will you be running (and need a three-wheeler) – or want a more practical, durable four-wheeler. Do you need the handles to cross over? Will it fit into the boot of your car? Do you need a pram for two? All things you need to consider!
My Pick: Steelcraft Fast Fold Stroller
Such great value in store at BigW
8. Highchair
When your little one starts on solids, you’re going to need a nice, secure, easy to wipe down place for them to sit so they can spray their pumpkin puree around. Highchairs get disgustingly filthy, so most modern day versions have easy-to-clean wipeable materials. Because there isn’t too much babies won’t get on their highchairs!
My Pick: Ingenuity Baby Base 2-in-1 Seat in Lime
(in store only)
9. Bouncer
I had a bouncer when I was a baby, so did my hubby and we loved them for our bubba’s too. These days they are much nicer and brightly coloured than in our day.
My Pick: Bright Starts Patter Friends Bouncer
(available in store only)
10. Breast Pump
Sometimes I felt “fit to burst” and my 1st little guy wouldn’t latch on. My Breast Pump became my best friend, it helped relieve the pressure and meant my long suffering hubby could do the night feeds.
My Pick: Avent Manual Breast Pump
These and everything else you could ever need is available at Big W (in store only)
As you probably all know, I live in a regional town in sunny Qld and I can’t even count how many times
BigW have saved me. It really is a one stop shop for everything you need for your Bubba.