Can You Find Your Soulmate Through Speed Dating?
I tried speed dating last weekend..
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So I was introduced to it by a lovely friend who didn’t want to go speed dating by herself. So what does a support person do at one of these things? They join in of course!
This is a scary concept for some people, especially if you are new to the single life after years of being in a relationship.
Of course, it’s easier to meet people online because it’s minus all the awkwardness when meeting someone in person, but there are people who prefer to meet prospects face to face just to get a feel of the person.
I have found a way to get through the terrifying ordeal of speed dating with a little integrity and some possible new friendships formed. I did find out that most people that go speed dating do not go to find their soulmate, but to increase their social circles. Which I thought wasn’t a bad idea. So here we go!
How do you go about it?
Okay usually speed dating works this way. We walk in and you fill out forms to say that you aren’t a stalker or crazy person, how they are going to know that, I don’t know. I mean my friend and I are a little dodgy at our best. When you have done that you get a piece of paper with yes and no on it, to write down the names of the people you meet and would like to get to know.
Then thank goodness they put a glass of wine in your hand, I mean really, do you think anyone is going to be comfortable without a little help from the bar?
There were tables set up for couples, so everyone had to sit down with someone and you had two minutes to talk, then move on to the next person. I thought two minutes was going to be a long time, but I am a bit of a chatter box, so it went pretty quickly. I was surprised at the age range, from the early twenty-somethings through to the older retirees (70+).
What do you talk about at these things?
Well your likes and dislikes, what you do for a living, how many children if any. When a young man was asking me questions, I asked him how old he was, he said twenty-three. I said “oh that is two years older than my son!” Some things should be left alone.
A nice older fellow, seemed to want a massage, but not the physio kind, and if you don’t know what other kind there is, you are better off!
So on to my third drink for the night and the hostess informs us that there is a second part to this and you get to talk all over again but for 30 seconds.
I thought “oh good grief really!!!” I figured everyone had worked out who they might like to get to know, and really 30 seconds isn’t long enough to get a sip of my liquid support.
When it was over, there were some really nice gentlemen there that I met, and even though I might never run into them again, it showed me there is such a mixture of single people just looking for someone to share some time and interests together.
Is it worth it?
It definitely was an interesting night, we all said goodnight and went off to party like teenagers!
I don’t think I would do speed dating again, though it is good for your confidence and can help overcome some of the jitters of having to go out and talk to people for the first time.
Try and take your bestie with you as support. All in all it was a fun night out!