Fortunately for some, they and their partners are a match made in heaven, including their mothers-in-law. But unfortunately for others, their mothers-in-law must have come from hell!
Does your Mother-in-law like you or hate you?
If you want to know if your mother-in-law hates you, read these are incredible stories of mother-in-law-daughter-in-law relationship gone sour.
More reading:

1. She wants a photo of the family…without you!
Lisa H from Middle Park Vic says:
“On our wedding day, my new mother-in-law asked me to step out of the photographs so that she could get a photo of ‘Her family’. There I was, the bride, standing aside on my wedding day, whilst she spent 30 minutes getting my husband and son’s photographs taken with everyone. I was wild.”
2. She intentionally will not show up at your wedding.
Amber J from Ivanhoe East says:
“I hassled and hassled my husband to be and mother-in-law to be for who they wanted to invite to the wedding and their contact details..for months. In the end, I sent out only the five details I did have for his side, the rest were from my side. I didn’t get a single RSVP from his side of the family. Two of them came, but left after the ceremony. Apparently, she then bitched to my husband that ‘her side wasn’t invited’.
Cera from our Facebook Page says:
“We had a very low key, small wedding. ceremony at the registry and dinner with about 30 close friends and family in a private room at a nice restaurant. In between, we had “cocktails” at the Stamford. Everyone walked down together and nobody from my husband’s family showed. We called my mother-in-law to see what the go was and she told my husband they (7 adults, 4 kids) couldn’t come down because my niece was sleeping. My husband cried, it ruined his day. Years later, we found out that nobody else in the family “knew”.
3. She will wear black to your wedding.
Claire H Beaconsfield WA
“Oh I could go on and on and on about my mother-in-law. She really is the MIL from HELL. I only met her the day of our wedding because she used to live a long way away. Not only did she wear black, she didn’t speak a word to me or anyone else on the day.
She wanted to help out ‘my husband’ by paying for a photographer for the wedding. Well, the photographer was just a friend of hers that lived in our city that liked taking pictures. He sent ALL the pictures to my mother-in-law FIRST, and then she sends us about 10 pictures that she ‘thought we might like’ – they were awful. So we have no good photos of our big day. Yet, when my husband visited her last year, she has albums full – all with me cut out!
It doesn’t stop there. As she lives far away, we can’t afford to go visit her. She generously offered to pay for us to go visit providing that she arranged the travel. She got my husband business class plane ticket, and bought me (and by then our children) BUS TICKETS. Needless to say, I didn’t go.
To top it all off, my youngest son was born with a life-threatening disease…he passed away at the beginning of the year at 18 months of age – was the worst time of our lives. We thought she may like to come and spend a bit of time with him before he passed. MIL said that ‘There was no point seeing, he won’t be around for long’… I have nothing to do with her anymore. She is a selfish cow.”
4. She bitches about you behind your back.
Serena A from Swan
“I always thought my mother-in-law liked me. She showered me with gifts constantly, some were quite expensive. I was at my Aunt’s house one afternoon when I overhead my MIL saying ‘I have to buy her stuff because she is greedy..and if I didn’t buy her stuff, she wouldn’t allow me to see the Grandchildren’. I was gobsmacked. I got the kids and went home and haven’t’ spoken to her since. That was four years ago now.”
5. She moves away then bitches that you don’t come to visit.
Angela G (Belmont WA)
“My FIL died a long time ago, I never met him. But as soon as my husband and I got married, his mother decided she was going to move away… 6000km away. So I don’t really know her very well. I have a full time job and my husband owns his own business so we don’t get to see a whole lot of each other, and we work stupid hours. On top of all that, I am currently eight months pregnant, and she is bitching at me constantly because we don’t come and visit.
All her family are here, and we can’t get time off work to go visit. Plus, we can’t afford it with the new baby coming – and it is easier for her to come to us. It has gotten to the point she rang me at work and SCREAMED down the phone at me. She doesn’t understand that not only do I have to work all I can until the baby is born, I can’t fly at eight months pregnant!”
6. She will give you weird gifts she knows you will not like.
Bethany S from Kelso says:
“I’ve given up buying gifts for my mother-in-law (of six years). Last year, for my 30th birthday, she bought me a ‘Moustache Waxing Kit’. I was mortified opening it up in front of all my family and friends. She just smirked from across the room’.”
7. She will give you things to “fix your flaws.”
Paneta G (Mannum SA)
“About a year after the birth of my first child, my monster-in-law gave me a book titled ‘How to be A Better Mother’. Need I say more? Oh yes, she told me not to crease the pages as a friend of hers from work had lent it to her for me to read.”