Read The Fine Print

The important thing to remember if you want to try coconut water is that you need to read the fine print. Despite the catchwords of ‘all natural’, many commercial coconut water manufacturers pump sugar into their drinks. This sugar, often from added fruit, makes coconut water no better than any other soft drink, and likely cancels out whatever benefits may be present.
Another thing to look at in that fine print is the shelf life of the coconut water. Even those not enamoured with the product agree, the fresher the better. Many of those essential minerals that are drawing you towards buying the product might have become inactive after a period of time on the shelf, rendering them useless.

At the end of the day, it appears that coconut water is mostly just another hype. Although it certainly has some positive attributes, there’s nothing about it to suggest that it’s some kind of miracle guaranteed to be the cure all you’ve been looking for. Like all the ‘super’ things that came before it, it’s nothing more than a popular trend, soon to fade.
So instead of looking towards coconut water to solve your problems, embrace a healthy balanced diet with lots and lots of water. After all, water has many of the same benefits as coconut water, without the pricetag.