The latest in a very long line of superfoods and beverages ‘guaranteed to change your life’, coconut water has been getting a lot of hype lately. But are the claims about this beverage really all they’re hyped up to be?
It can be hard in this day and age to separate fact from fiction, especially when the internet provides everyone with the opportunity to express their opinion in their own space. With so many opinions, especially from influential people, it’s hard to know what’s really true. So, before we break down what coconut water can actually do, let’s look at what people think it can do.
The ‘Miracle’ That Is Coconut Water

First off, let’s get one thing straight. What is coconut water? Unlike coconut milk, cream or oil, coconut water is the clear liquid that is found inside young (green) coconuts. It’s one of the fastest growing new food categories in the UK, and sales in the US have doubled in recent years due to the popularity of the beverage.

Coconut water advocates claim that the drink is just about the best thing you can put in your mouth. They believe that it helps you lose weight, gives you perfect skin, cures hangovers, assists with digestions, boosts hydration, reduces blood pressure and gives you a healthy kick of electrolytes and nutrients.
But just how seriously can we take those claims?