Health (Page 22)

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome

With the overwhelming presence of bloating, gas, sore stomachs and rear-end ‘issues’ becoming the norm in the human condition, one would be forgiven for thinking that these symptoms are a

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Using Antibiotics

Antibiotics are designed to do one thing to help those that are suffering from a bacterial infection. Antibiotics can only be prescribed by a doctor and when a doctor does

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Bizarre Phobias

We all have things we are afraid of. Spiders, snakes and creepy crawlies rank high on the list for most, along with heights, tight spaces and the ever-present, back-of-the-mind fear

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When a person catches Chicken Pox, they contract the varicella zoster virus. Once symptoms of Chicken Pox subside, the virus lays dormant in a person’s nervous system, sometimes for many

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