5. Fluid Retention
Our Pick: HerBelly Tea Tales ‘Osmosis’
Are your calves looking like tree trunks, otherwise known as cankles? Get that checked out right away! Fluid retention sure isn’t swell for any expectant mother. Ease the pressure on those aching joints with this relieving recipe. Also beneficial for concentration and clarity of the mind with Nettle, Gingko and organic Chamomile.
6. Poor Circulation
Our Pick: HerBelly Tea Tales ‘Dandy Chamonilla’
Cold feet, itchy hot hands and blotchy thighs all at the same time. Anyone with poor circulation will be singing a hallelujah! This scrumptious blend features the circulation boosting perks of Dandelion Root, to help keep your body running smoothly. Hints of Vanilla and Cacao make Dandy Chamonilla a delectable and satisfying brew with dandelion root, organic Chamomile, Organic Cacao bits, Vanilla Bean and Natural Vanilla flavour