We often think about sleep as ‘wasted time’, when we aren’t really accomplishing anything in our busy lives.
This means that we aren’t always prioritising sleep as much as we should, leaving us fatigued and sleep-deprived.
Well, we can guarantee that after reading this article, you’ll never look at sleep the same way again. It turns out that the time we spend sleeping is actually a pretty busy time. Sure, our minds are away in dreamland, but the rest of the system is chugging along doing all the useful, and totally cool, things that we need it to do to survive! Here’s what your body does while you’re asleep.
1. Your Body Temperature Decreases
According to sleep specialists, just as you’re falling asleep, your core body temperature takes a dive. There’s a reason for this, as the drop is actually a signal to your brain that melatonin should be released. This melatonin is what affects your body’s sleep/wake cycle, also called your circadian rhythm. Basically, the melatonin is what tells your body that you’re ready for sleep. The point at when you’re coldest is around 2:30 in the morning, so you better be rugged up enough or getting too cold could wake you.
2. You Do The Full Body Jerk
Pretty much everyone has experienced this at some point in their life. They’re called Hypnic Jerks, and they’re basically a full body spasm that happens just as you’re falling asleep. Most people get the feeling that they’re falling when they happen. Experts aren’t exactly sure why people get them, but there are suggestions they could be linked to anxiety or an irregular sleep schedule. So if you’re one of those people who gets them, make sure you aren’t cuddling up to anyone when you fall asleep!