6 Effective Workouts on the Sweat App That Won’t Wake Your Baby

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6 Effective Workouts on the Sweat App That Won’t Wake Your Baby

Mums, how often do you have the best intentions when it comes to fitting a workout into your day when your little one is asleep, only to think it’s not worth the risk of waking them up with all the noise?

You’re not alone, and the Sweat App has designed workout programs specifically for mums. 

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We all know how much better you feel when some movement and endorphins are part of your day, and you shouldn’t have to sideline your own well-being needs because you’re worried about making a whole lot of noise if there’s a sleeping baby or kids playing peacefully a wall or two away. The trick is finding workouts that don’t involve a heap of high-impact jumping exercises or equipment that sounds like you’ve got a bunch of builders renovating your workout space.

Luckily, there are plenty of training styles that fit the bill, and all of these can be found in apps like Sweat. Designed for women, by women, Sweat knows all about how important it is to find ways to help women who want to be able to work out anywhere, anytime. If you use this link you can try the Sweat app free for 14 days and receive a 14-day free trial. 


Whether you’re new to exercise or work out regularly, Pilates is a low-impact training style that can help you build strength (especially in your core!), balance, flexibility and stability – and it’s super easy to get started at home with minimal equipment. 

Pilates was first introduced in the 1920s by physical trainer Joseph Pilates to help rehabilitate injured dancers and athletes but today is a popular way to work out and build full-body strength for people all over the world.

In the Sweat app, the Pilates programs take a holistic approach, combining traditional and contemporary Pilates. There are beginner weeks available to get you started, and the aim is to challenge you by fatiguing specific muscle groups through time under tension, controlled movements and steady breathing. 

All you need to get started is a yoga mat and yourself, and since so many of the exercises are low-impact, pulsing or floor movements, the loudest part of the workout is often your own breathing. 

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Low-impact strength training

While slamming medicine balls on the ground or throwing around a barbell aren’t the most peaceful options, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to find quiet weighted strength training options.

Your best bet is opting for portable pieces of equipment that you can use and put down without causing too much noise – think resistance bands, dumbbells, ankle weights – as well as exercises that don’t require you to be constantly walking or jumping around.

We love Sweat’s Low Impact Strength program, which focuses on foundation strength training exercises using a chair, dumbbells and resistance band – no jumps in sight. It’s a beginner-friendly program that will help you build strength and endurance without putting pressure on your joints!

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Post-pregnancy workouts

If you’ve recently given birth and have obtained clearance from your healthcare provider to ease back into light exercise again, start with a program specially designed for your postpartum journey. 

There are two post-pregnancy programs in the Sweat app that take a gradual approach to help strengthen your body, focusing on the common concerns women face after pregnancy. These programs include short workouts, require gentle pieces of equipment like a fitball, resistance bands and a foam roller and are perfect for completing at home on your journey to rebuild your strength, relieve tension and slowly return to regular exercise again. 

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To this day, we still can’t work out why people would ever think barre is easy just because it’s ballet-inspired. Since when was ballet easy?! As real as the barre burn is, we love it. 

Barre is another low-impact training style in the Sweat app that combines elements of ballet and Pilates, making it full of variety and challenge even if you have a small space or zero equipment. Think controlled movements and high repetitions using small weights or body weight alone to work on your strength, stability, posture and flexibility. 

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Low-impact HIIT

We’ll be the first to admit that burpees and mountain climbers are some of the first exercises that spring to mind when we hear the word HIIT, but high-intensity interval training doesn’t necessarily have to be high-impact. 

Sweat’s low-impact HIIT programs are a testament to that – they focus on short bursts of high-energy moves that will get your heart rate up without disturbing nap time. 

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Yoga is such an incredible training style thanks to its versatility. Almost anyone can try it, and it can be used to improve strength, flexibility, and balance, or simply to clear your head, lower your stress and build that mind-body connection.  

There are different yoga programs you can try with Sweat that focus on your mind and body connection through controlled breathing — some are faster-paced Vinyasa styles of yoga, while others include relaxed Yin yoga and elements of meditation which are perfect for those days when you’re feeling a bit tired or frazzled.

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An ultra-quiet setup

To sound-proof your workouts even more, investing in a good yoga mat can go a long way, as can a pair of wireless earphones. Making sure your mat is in a clear space away from other objects or furniture is also a must – the last thing you want is to extend your arms into Warrior II position mid-yoga flow and knock over a vase. 

You can work out in peace

Next time you’re scratching your head for an amazing workout that your baby will sleep right through, why not try one of these quiet training styles in the Sweat app? If you use this link you can try it free for 14 days, and receive 10% off.

Taking care of yourself can go hand in hand with taking care of your little ones.

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6 effective workouts on the sweat app that wont wake your baby stay at home mum pin | Stay at Home
Jody Allen
About Author

Jody Allen

Jody Allen is the founder of Stay at Home Mum. Jody is a five-time published author with Penguin Random House and is the current Suzuki Queensland Amb...Read Moreassador. Read Less

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