3. Avoid Unhealthy Substances
Alcohol, caffeine and nicotine abuse worsens anxiety. Quitting them is not easy and can make you more anxious. Getting the help of a therapist, a doctor or a support group can help you quit these behaviours. Never allow the condition to isolate yourself from your loved ones. Accept the condition, let go and enjoy life. Socialising can help you forget that you have the condition and aid you in your recovery. There are also numerous community and online support groups you can join.
4. Linden Method
Invented by Charles Linden, the Linden method is a program for natural treatment for GAD. It is based on nine pillars of a speedy recovery. Having suffered from an anxiety disorder, Charles Linden studies how people recover from it, the result was this program, which he used to treat himself. The method is highly regarded by anxiety specialists around the world. It has a staggering success rate of 96.7 %.
So assured is the method that you can claim your money back if you fail to recover within a year. The manual explains the logic behind the disorder. The condition is not a mental neither a physical sickness but a disorder, a learned behaviour. You took time to learn the habit. Whatever is learned can be unlearned and re-learned. Using the method, you reprogram your mind and start a journey towards your recovery.
Today, we are bombarded by worries right, left and centre. Economic hardships, strains in relations are at all times high. This has resulted to high levels of Generalised Anxiety Disorder. Accepting yourself is the first step towards recovery. Additionally, psychotherapy, antidepressants and home remedies can greatly help you to recover.