5 Things To Do To Cope With Being Away From Your Kids

4 min read
5 Things To Do To Cope With Being Away From Your Kids

As a WAHM, I am used to being with my two young children 24/7.

In fact, the only time I have left my oldest overnight is when I was in hospital for the night having my youngest. And thus, when I set off for three days away from my home, my family and my kids, the anxiety kicked in right away. How will I cope without kissing them goodnight? How will they cope without seeing me every day?

If you are planning a trip away with out the kids, whether for business, pleasure or any other reason, then below are some tips on how to cope with being away from your kids.

1. Talk to Them About What is Happening

Things To Do To Cope With Being Away From Your Kids | Stay At Home Mum

Don’t just leave in the middle of the night. Let them know what is happening, when you are going and when you will be back. Make a countdown calendar with them if you are planning on being away for several days. That way, every day they can cross off the day or rip a page out of the calendar. You may even want to have a small treat available every night that you are away.

2. Organise a Great Babysitter

Things To Do To Cope With Being Away From Your Kids | Stay At Home Mum

Luckily, my husband was home the entire time I was away so I knew my kids were in great and comforting hands. However, if your partner has to work, then you may need to rely on day care, neighbours, friends or family to step in. Have everything planned out before you go and talk to your kids about what is happening who will be picking them up from school; who will be making them dinner or putting them to bed; who will be there when they wake up in the morning.

3. Write a Letter

Things To Do To Cope With Being Away From Your Kids | Stay At Home Mum

I left in the middle of the night, but I wrote my son a simple letter and placed it in bed with him before I left, basically, just starting with ‘Mummy had gone to work’ and when I will be back. When he woke up, he ran up to Daddy to read the letter. It was a simple surprise but he seemed to enjoy it. The letter is still in his drawer beside his bed.

4. Plan a Skype Date

Things To Do To Cope With Being Away From Your Kids | Stay At Home Mum

If you are bringing your computer, iPhone or iPad and have another one at home, make sure all your devices have Skype (and set up another account). That way, you can plan a Skype call with your kids. You can even watch them eat dinner, have a bath and go to bed if you have a portable device and your husband is willing to carry the computer around with him wherever the kids go.

5. Take a Teddy

Things To Do To Cope With Being Away From Your Kids | Stay At Home Mum

Most little kids have a comforter, whether a small toy, a blanket or a bear. My son suggested that I take one of his favourite toys (not his favourite however) with me on my trip. Sure, it is a little silly carrying a stuffed rabbit on the plane but it helped ease the anxiety and definitely put a smile on my face, especially during bedtime.

Being away from the kids can be hard. In fact, I’m pretty certain, it is harder for us than it is for the kids.

If you suffer from separation anxiety, then hopefully, these tips can make any trip away from your kids a little easier to handle.

5 Things To Do To Cope With Being Away From Your Kids | Stay At Home Mum

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