10 Reasons You Have a Bloated Belly (And what to do about it!)

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10 Reasons You Have a Bloated Belly (And what to do about it!)

Are you struggling to get rid of your bloated belly?

Having a bloated belly can be uncomfortable and embarrassing, but it’s essential to know why it might be happening. Abdominal bloating is a condition that occurs when the stomach becomes swollen due to an accumulation of gas or fluid in the intestines.

This can cause feelings of pressure and fullness, pain, cramping, and occasional belching. The causes of bloating range from irritable bowel syndrome to lactose intolerance and even stress; regardless, it can be treated with dietary changes and lifestyle modifications like exercise.

Feeling bloated and uncomfortable? Do you feel like your tummy is so complete that no matter what you do, it just won’t go away? Well, chances are it’s not all in your head! Bloating can be caused by many things, from poor food choices to an underlying health condition. Read on if you’re keen to get your flat stomach back in action!

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10 Reasons You Have a Bloated Belly I Stay at Home Mum

Symptoms of a Bloated Belly

Have you ever felt that uncomfortable, heavy sensation after a sleep-in and brunch? Or maybe found yourself unbuttoning your jeans at the office only an hour or two after lunch? If yes, it’s time to read up on what could be causing those dreaded bloated belly symptoms so you can get back to feeling comfortable in no time.

Abdominal Pain.

One of the most common symptoms of a bloated belly is abdominal pain. This pain can range from mild to severe and is often worse after eating.


Another common symptom is swelling. This means your stomach feels full and tight and may even look visibly swollen.

Gas (Farting)

Gas is another common symptom of a bloated belly. This can cause you to feel uncomfortable and may even lead to belching or flatulence.


Diarrhea is another possible symptom of a bloated belly. This may be due to the build-up of gas in the intestines, or it may be caused by an underlying condition such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Burping or Belching

Burping or belching frequently can indicate that your stomach may feel bloated. A bloated belly should not be ignored as it could indicate a more significant digestive issue, such as acid reflux or decreased digestive function.

Stomach Rumbling

This distressing sensation is caused by a build-up of gas in the abdomen, leading to uneasiness and soreness.


Constipation is another possible symptom. This may be due to the slow movement of food through the digestive system, which can lead to hard, dry stools that are difficult to pass.

Reasons you have a Bloated Belly

Do you often experience discomfort in your abdomen, gas, or bloating? If so, it could result from many things – from the foods you eat to underlying medical conditions. Having a bloated belly can be uncomfortable and challenging to perform everyday activities.

Having a bloated belly is an uncomfortable and often embarrassing experience. While there are numerous possible causes for this distressing condition, ten of the most common culprits are here.

Eating or drinking too fast:

Rushing through meals can cause air to be swallowed, leading to a bloated belly and indigestion. Also, eating large meals will fill your stomach faster and make you feel more bloated.

Food allergies or sensitivities:

Allergies or sensitivities to specific food components, such as lactose or gluten, can lead to bloating, especially if not properly managed.

Stress and lack of sleep:

Stress hormones like cortisol can disrupt digestion and lead to bloating and fatigue. Additionally, when you’re tired, it is easier to reach for unhealthy foods that can contribute to bloating, such as processed snacks high in sodium or sugar-filled drinks.


During menstruation, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms like bloating may occur due to hormonal changes in the body that modify the digestive process by slowing it down, which can result in trapped gas and stomach discomfort.

Celiac Disease:

This autoimmune disorder affects the small intestine’s ability to absorb nutrients from food due to sensitivities towards gluten present in many grains such as wheat, barley, rye, and oats, among others resulting in gastrointestinal distress, including inflammation of the stomach lining, which can contribute towards feeling bloated after eating certain foods containing gluten compounds.

Poor lifestyle habits:

Consuming alcohol regularly has been linked with higher levels of bloated belly due to its dehydrating effects on your body that disrupt normal digestion processes resulting in fluid retention within your gut, which will leave you feeling full even when you haven’t eaten anything substantial yet. In addition, smoking cigarettes has also been associated with increased stomach discomfort due to a decrease in oxygen supply resulting from long-term inhalation of smoke toxins which complicates digestion further.

Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD):

IBD consists of two inflammatory conditions affecting the digestive system called Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, both known for causing chronic abdominal pain accompanied by swelling and bloating caused by inflammation occurring within your intestines.

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS):

Unlike IBD, which stems from physical causes that affect mainly the lower digestive tract, IBS is a functional disorder caused by psychological factors such as stress or anxiety-related issues that hamper normal intestinal functions leading you to feel bloated even though there might be no signs of underlying medical conditions present.


Certain forms of cancer, like ovarian cancer and stomach cancer, have been linked with abdominal distention caused by an accumulation of fluid either within the abdomen itself or inside organs located near it, like the liver causing pressure build-up within the region, leading to to uncomfortable experience along with other physical symptoms depending upon the type of cancer present.

Other medical underlying conditions:

The cause behind experiencing abdominal bloat could also stem from several other medical conditions like pancreatitis, where the pancreas fails to work correctly, causing inflammation within organs resulting in poor digestion, further contributing towards swollen tummy accompanied by other physical symptoms like fever, nausea, etc.

If you suffer from frequent episodes of excessive abdominal bloat, it’s best practice to consult a physician to get a proper diagnosis. Take necessary steps to care for health problems in the same timely manner to avoid severe consequences.

10 Reasons You Have a Bloated Belly I Stay at Home Mum

How to Prevent or Relieve a Bloated Belly

It’s an all-too-familiar feeling: you overeat or eat the wrong type of food, and suddenly your belly is bloated and uncomfortable. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. You can do several simple things to prevent a bloated stomach and find welcome relief from discomfort without resorting to over-the-counter remedies.

Lifestyle Changes

Making some lifestyle changes is key in preventing or relieving bloating. Taking the time to reduce stress in your life can be very beneficial for digestive health and can help reduce gas and bloating. Regular exercise can also help keep your digestive system functioning properly and reduce discomfort.

Avoid swallowing too much air

Eating certain foods can cause us to swallow air, leading to a bloated belly. Chewing gum and drinking carbonated beverages like soda are both culprits here, as they contain air bubbles that get swallowed while consuming them.

Limit foods that cause gas

Dairy products such as milk, cheese, ice cream, and yogurt contain lactose which is known to cause gas in some people. Additionally, many gluten-containing foods, such as wheat, barley, and rye, have been linked to increased gas production levels, which may lead to bloating.

Drink herbal teas

Certain herbal teas like chamomile with ginger are pretty helpful for relieving common digestive discomforts like bloated belly due to their calming properties and ability to aid digestion. They also offer antioxidant benefits as well!

Eat probiotic-rich foods and drinks

Foods that contain probiotics, such as yogurt, kefir, kombucha, and sauerkraut, have been linked with improved gut health, which can help support digestion and reduce gas production in the body leading to less bloating.

Increase fibre intake gradually

Eating high-fibre foods like fruits, vegetable nuts, seeds, and legumes helps keep things moving through the digestive tract, which helps prevent constipation – another potential cause of bloating that should be addressed if it’s present. However, if you’re not used to eating lots of fibre then it’s important not to increase intake too quickly, as doing so could worsen symptoms before they improve. So start small by introducing more fibre slowly into your diet over time!

Exercise regularly

Exercise has numerous benefits for overall health, including improved digestion. Working out regularly keeps things moving through the digestive system correctly, aiding elimination, reducing constipation, improving blood circulation throughout the body, including in the abdomen area, reducing stress (which is known for causing digestive issues ), and improving sleep quality (also good for digestion ). All these combined make exercising regularly a practical measure for reducing bloat.

Drink enough water

Staying hydrated will ensure general well-being and aid digestion by keeping everything flowing throughout our intestines, helping us avoid constipation or gas build, which are known causes of a bloated belly. Drink at least 6-8 glasses per day or even more if you live in a hot climate or do intense physical activity throughout the day!

Avoid processed foods

Eating processed foods often results in overeating due to their low nutritional value compared with natural food sources – this means we eat more than we need leading to excessive abdominal distention and feeling like bloating; however, it’s just caused by food overload! So try replacing processed foods with fresh ingredients whenever possible.

Seek help from a medical professional

In some cases, medications may be necessary to alleviate certain conditions such as gastritis, IBS, Crohn’s disease, etc., that may result in chronic bloating – so if none of these tips seem enough, talk with your doctor about what medical treatments might be available.

10 Reasons You Have a Bloated Belly I Stay at Home Mum

What foods do you think are the worst for causing a bloated belly? Have you ever suffered from a bloated belly and if so, what did you do to make it go away?

10 Reasons You Have a Bloated Belly I Stay at Home Mum

Jody Allen
About Author

Jody Allen

Jody Allen is the founder of Stay at Home Mum. Jody is a five-time published author with Penguin Random House and is the current Suzuki Queensland Amb...Read Moreassador. Read Less

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