Once upon a time, circa 1980, the fat free movement began. People were convinced that fat was bad and popular dietary advice was to remove it from your diet where possible.
However we now know that it’s not as simple as saying ‘all fats are bad’. Our bodies need fat, it protects our organs and provides a layer of insulation, they helps us feel fuller for longer and they also transport valuable nutrients around the body.
Fat molecules are actually responsible for transporting several different vitamins and minerals through your body. Vitamins A, D, E and K are fat-soluble vitamins, and are necessary for good health.
Inadequate intake of vitamin A, for example, can cause blindness and other problematic conditions. Without vitamin D, your bones can become weak and brittle, and without vitamin E, you could experience changes in your hair, skin and even your immune system.
So how to tell a good fat from a bad fat?
We hear a lot about omega 3’s but that’s only half of the story. Our Western diet is currently high in omega 6’s and low in omega 3’s and it’s this balance that we have to address. We need less omega 6’s and more omega 3’s.
So where to get the good stuff?
Coconut oil offers antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. It improves digestion, nutrient absorption and intestinal health. It provides cardiovascular benefits and could help manage Type 2 Diabetes. It is believed that coconut oil promotes kidney and liver health and supports the immune system. It also benefits metabolism, energy, and weight management.
Nuts are loaded with a ton of amazing nutrients, healthy fats, and protein. Nuts are one of the best sources of alpha-lenolenic acid, a type of heart-healthy omega-3. Omega-3s offer numerous health benefits from lowering cholesterol to disease prevention.

Avocados are a fantastic alternative to butter or margarine when looking for something to spread on your bread. They are an excellent source of glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that helps cleanse and protect your body.
Seeds, like nuts, contain a number of heart healthy properties. They offer beneficial fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and protein. Seeds are also a good source of minerals such as magnesium, selenium, and zinc.
Olive oil
Olive oil is a healthy oil to use when sautéing, baking, and making salad dressing. This fantastic oil is rich in monounsaturated fat and antioxidants such as chlorophyll, carotenoids, and vitamin E. If you are concerned about the smoke point of olive oil in cooking you can use coconut oil or rice bran oil.

Fats 4 Lyfe
These foods are all great sources of nutrients and will go a long way to ensuring you have a healthy diet however good for you does not mean, eat as much as you like.
While we do need fats, if we consume more fat than we need, we will eventually store it. If you are trying to reduce your body fat you should definitely not exclude these foods from your diet but you should consume them in moderation.
Your diet should be primarily made up of fresh fruit and vegetables with some fats, protein and carbs. Something you can try and eliminate is sugar, particularly processed foods. Keep things are natural as you can and eat a wide variety of different foods and enjoy the benefits to your health.