Be prepared for power outages
In the aftermath of a storm, power can be cut to homes and business for days and even weeks, so it’s important to have measures in place in case you are without electricity.
Maintain an emergency pack with a battery-powered torch and radio, tools for emergency repair, food supplies, first aid, blankets and extra clothing.
Chat to your kids about power outages and why they happen and how they are fixed. This will prepare the better if the power is out for longer than expected.
Week 4:
Last minute preparations
Run through your [WHAT-IF] plan with your kids, making sure every scenario has been talked about and give them a chance to ask questions.
Some important steps to talk about include:
- To seek shelter, preferably indoors and never under trees;
- Stay indoors away from windows;
- Don’t walk, ride your bike or drive through flood water;
- Keep clear of fallen power lines;
- Beware of fallen trees or debris on the road;
- Keep clear of creeks and storm drains.
Also, chat to your kids about what happens after a storm has hit, where you would go and why. This also prepares them if your home is damaged during a storm event.