30 Random Facts About Being a Woman

11 min read
30 Random Facts About Being a Woman

Random Facts About Being a Woman | Stay At Home Mum

26. Only 24% of Senior Management Positions are held by women.

You may feel like there are more powerful women today, but the truth is that the number of women holding senior management positions in companies is stagnant. It still remains at 24%, the same number since 2007. Surprisingly, though, Eastern Europe and South-East Asia lead the way and have the most number of women in senior management — these include Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand.


27. 130 million women in the world have undergone female mutilation.

FGM or female genital mutilation is said to have affected over 130 million women in the world. Often, this is performed using a blade or razor without anaesthetic. Out of this number, 20% is said to have experienced “infibulation,” which is the most severe form of female circumcision that involves removal of the entire external genitalia.

Source: Wikipedia

28. In 1770 in Britain, the Parliament proposed a bill that women using makeup should be punished for witchcraft.

Did you know that in England, there was a proposal to ban women from wearing lipstick? It added that marriage should be annulled if the woman was caught wearing cosmetics before her wedding day. The proposal was briefly considered but thankfully, the Parliament did not pass the law.

Source: Wikipedia

29. In Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed to drive.

In Saudi Arabia, a male-dominated kingdom, women are allowed to work and vote but cannot drive. While their situation is certainly better than the situation of Yemeni women, women in Saudi Arabia have to depend on a male to drive them around. However, recently, there was news that the Saudi council is contemplating on allowing some women to drive.


30. 99% of women have experienced street harassment.

In 2014, a study on street harassment done in Canada revealed that around 97% of the female respondents reported experiencing being harassed on the street, but only 10% reported the harassment to authorities. Meanwhile, a survey done in Croatia in 2012 revealed that 99% of the responders experienced street harassment. Moreover, 1 in 2 women will have experienced it by the age of 18.


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Jody Allen
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Jody Allen

Jody Allen is the founder of Stay at Home Mum. Jody is a five-time published author with Penguin Random House and is the current Suzuki Queensland Amb...Read Moreassador. Read Less

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