30 Random Facts About Being a Woman

11 min read
30 Random Facts About Being a Woman
Random Facts About Being a Woman | Stay At Home Mum

6. The first country that gave women the right to vote was New Zealand.

In the year 1893, where women all over the world were not deemed important enough to vote, New Zealand gave its women the right to suffrage. For the very first time, women were able to vote during the 28 November 1893 elections. It was also during this year when a woman held a government post, a mayoralty post no less, for the first time in the British empire.

Source: Wikipedia

7. The most common cause of death in western women is Heart Disease which causes approximately 40% of all deaths.

In the United States, heart disease was the cause of death of 1 in 4 females – this is similar in Australia. Cancer is next with 27% of the female population. However, while this also applies to Hispanic and African-American women, the case is opposite with Asian, American Indian, and Pacific Islander women. For the latter, cancer is the leading cause of death while heart disease comes second.


8. The closer a woman is to the equator, the more likely she is to give birth to a girl.

This is something many of us might not have known before. Females who live in the tropics are more likely to give birth to a girl, and there are different theories to explain it. Scientists believe this is because of the constant sunlight hours and abundant food supply in tropical regions favour a female birth. Some believe it might have something to do with evolution.


9. Every 90 seconds one woman dies during pregnancy or childbirth.

350,000 women across the world are said to die of pregnancy-related complications — the vast majority of these deaths is also said to be preventable. Quoting Mahmoud Fathalla, past president of the International Federation of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists:

“Women are not dying of diseases we can’t treat… They are dying because societies have yet to make the decision that their lives are worth saving.”


10. Women speak approximately 20,000 words per day.

Now, compare this figure to the number of words men speak in general, which is only 7,000. That’s 13,000 words per day! A study done by a team from the University of Maryland connects this to the higher levels of protein found in the female brain. This protein is called Foxp2, also known as the “language protein.”


Jody Allen
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Jody Allen

Jody Allen is the founder of Stay at Home Mum. Jody is a five-time published author with Penguin Random House and is the current Suzuki Queensland Amb...Read Moreassador. Read Less

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